Should an 8th grader date a sophomore?

So I've known this guy for 2 almost 3 months now and I've liked him ever since the i don't know the 2nd day but I didn't really know it yet you know? But anyways you the quote, "'you don't know you love someone until you loose them"? Well that happened to me, it's not like we were dating or anything I just you know, lost him. So I saw his story on Snapchat (addme//graceebae5) on his story it said "can't wait to see babe" with a bunch of emojis by it so I didn't want to be weird or anything but I just had to ask him what he meant by babe. He said it was his little sister and then said "lmao, it's my girlfriend" when I saw that my heart literally broke into pieces! I knew I liked him. I didn't want to get in the way so I just let it go... the next day he text me and I didn't want to act like something was wrong with me so I played it like it was cool even tho it wasn't. The next 2 weeks he text me and got super pissed at me I don't know why cuz it was pretty stupid then later that day he said sorry and I left him in opened but he apologized a lot so I gave him another chance. I asked him about his "girlfriend" he said it didn't work out, he seemed sad which made me feel like shit cuz I was happy af ok let me get to the point... he can be a real dumb ass jerk sometimes and super mean but I'm the end he makes up for it he's always complimenting me and when I say i hate him he always says "sure you do" with a wink and that melts my heart! to be honest we haven't talked for 2 weeks now but when we do we talk till we fall asleep the first thing is... he's a sophomore and I'm an 8th grader, I feel like it just won't work out between us and the next thing is he's in another state, he's in Virginia and I'm in Illinois! I've never seen him physically but I've seen him in social media and he asked for my number and I gave it to him, sometimes he texts me and I skip lunch and study hall just to talk to him but should I just stop or.. i don't even know what to do anymore!
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Should an 8th grader date a sophomore?
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