What should my reply be to "Sorry, I've been busy"?

I have been seeing this guy for about 8 months now, but I go to college 400 miles away so we are only together on breaks (he lives in my hometown). We usually talk regularly, but sometimes there are these stretches of time when he doesn't return my texts or calls for a couple of weeks, then when he finally does, all he says is "sorry, I've been busy." I don't want to be clingy, and I don't care if we talk every day or not, but how hard is it to send a "goodnight" text every few days? I don't know what to reply to his "sorry, I've been busy." usually I just say "it's fine, I understand", but it is frustrating me a little more lately. Should I say something else?
What should my reply be to "Sorry, I've been busy"?
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