A Tribute to the Most Important Woman in My Life: My Mom

A Tribute to the Most Important Woman in My Life: My Mom

From the way she held me tightly in her arms when I was an infant to the way she consoles me today as a self-harmer, no woman has had a greater impact on my life than my mother. As girlfriends and even wives come and go in this age of infidelity, selfishness, and instant gratification, she is the one woman I can count on to always be there for me. There are many great mothers out there, but none of them quite compare to my mother. She falls in a league of her own. And for that she deserves my praise, as I call to remembrance the unwavering care, dedication, and love that I have been fortunate enough to receive from her throughout the years.

A Tribute to the Most Important Woman in My Life: My Mom

From the wonderful foods that she always cooks for me

A Tribute to the Most Important Woman in My Life: My Mom

...Like enchiladas

A Tribute to the Most Important Woman in My Life: My Mom

Or better yet, enchiladas and rice because it is the little things like always going out of her way to prepare two or more side dishes for every meal that bear witness to how loving she is.

A Tribute to the Most Important Woman in My Life: My Mom

That and her tamales, because her tamales are my favorite. Christmastime is a glorious time indeed.

To the little things that make me feel loved

A Tribute to the Most Important Woman in My Life: My Mom

Like how she still purchases me birthday cakes even though I am 20 years old

A Tribute to the Most Important Woman in My Life: My Mom

And through her love and support, helped me to finish my first year of college with a 4.0 GPA after an unprecedented move among other hardships at the time.

...My mother has always been there for me.

A Tribute to the Most Important Woman in My Life: My Mom

She is the woman who taught me to love what I see in the mirror and smile even when I feel like I have nothing to smile about. From when I feel too short or unattractive to when I allow my over analytical mind to think itself into a panic and subsequently self-harm, my mother is there. I can always rely on her to wipe away my tears even when my world feels like it is about to collapse.

"The storms of life are not frightening to one in whose heart shines the light of Your fire. All around the weather is bad--there is darkness, horror, and the howling wind. But in the soul of such a one there is peace and light," ~ The Akathist of Thanksgiving.

She is the reason why I have not killed myself yet or become a barely functional alcoholic who lives off of pay per view porn and frozen dinners. If it were not for her, I never would have graduated as valedictorian and student of the year, or acquired that 4.0 GPA in college, and for that matter ever really applied myself to anything at all. I would be a miserable underachiever doomed to a life of mundanity, isolation, and loneliness with no prospects of a wife beyond my own hand.

A Tribute to the Most Important Woman in My Life: My Mom

She taught me to be happy even amidst the face of uncertainty, change, and conflict. When I allow my social anxiety to get the best of me and/or feel like women will never like me, she is there to lift my spirits. Her presence alone evokes joy, comfort, and encouragement to take action and be happy.

A Tribute to the Most Important Woman in My Life: My Mom

But more than that,

My mother is the type of person I can always talk to about anything no matter what

And this is probably what I love most about her. Whereas my father is either distant and/or incapable of this without resorting to anger, my mother is open to talk to me about everything and anything, always there to provide me with the advice and guidance that I yearn for so badly. She is the one who encouraged me to major in English, since pursuing my dream is more important than monetary success. Perhaps most of all and very significantly, she has never shied away from teaching me about sex and answering my questions about it, both as a child and as an adult today.

I remember back when I was in 8th grade, my mother allowed me to ditch school and we spent the entire day together at the local historic park before seeing a movie later that evening. This is perhaps the greatest memory I have with my mother.

In many ways she had to play the role that my father should have played because he was too weird, prudish, and/or downright awkward to do it himself. I say this not to rail against my father, but to emphasize how great my mother was. She taught me strong Christian values and traditional morality pertaining to sex, but she also taught me the mechanics of it and never shamed me for being curious about it no matter how explicit my questions were. Never have I had to feel odd for talking to my mother about these things, or confiding in her that I'm a virgin, or that I am attracted to such and such a woman. Again, all of which is in stark contrast to my father.

A Tribute to the Most Important Woman in My Life: My Mom

My mother is a woman of glamor and fitness. From dropping thousands over the years at Sephora to counting calories and devoting hours at the gym, my mother takes pride in her physical appearance. She is living proof that despite the excuses given by fat women on here, any woman can lose weight if she works hard at it. My mother had 3 children yet has the figure of a supermodel. What is your excuse? More than that though, my mother is not the shallow type either. I'm sure many of you are already generalizing her as a gold digger or snob, but my mother is nothing like that. In fact, she used to bake snacks for her Church and once volunteered to prepare food for homeless people on Thanksgiving.

She taught me that love actually exists, that a woman can actually love a man who is way below her league. I learned this by observing the way she has loved my father throughout the years, despite him being overweight, middle-class, and a dick at times. She is living proof that the neckbeards are wrong: there are beautiful women out there who are not shallow and can love a man below them. My mother provides me with a priceless model of how a woman ought to treat a man.

A Tribute to the Most Important Woman in My Life: My Mom

She was the one who encouraged me to pursue the girl of my dreams when I was just a shy, socially awkward 16 year old in desperate need of a haircut.

My mother gave me the life that she herself never had the privilege of enjoying.

The youngest of 6 girls and a bitterly divorced mother, my mother's childhood was difficult to say in the least. Her father was out of the picture for the most part, and her mother my grandmother was the irresponsible type who never should have had children to begin with. That and she was mean and abusive, along with my mother's older sisters (with the sole exception of the oldest) who made her life a living Hell marked by panic attacks, anxiety, and things that would have drove me to suicide. But my mother never gave up.

And perhaps to her detriment, she has never once felt sorry for herself even when I wish that she would. She got pregnant with me at 15 years old, and contrary to taking the cowardly, infanticidal way out like so many girls before her via abortion, she opted to keep me, and strive to give me the life that she never had. From sleeping in my father's car to avoid her thieving heroine junkie of a sister to taking me to the park and spending what little money she had to purchase me McDonalds, my mother was selfless beyond belief. She always put me first.

A Tribute to the Most Important Woman in My Life: My Mom

I try to show her how grateful I am by purchasing her flowers like the bouquet above. The green symbolizes the Holy Spirit while the purple is the Crucifixion and the white the Resurrection. But I know that no flowers no matter how beautiful they may be can ever repay her for what she has done for me. She is the reason why I will get out of bed every morning, why I will go to work, why I will get that 4.0 GPA, why I will make my dreams a reality, why I will marry a sexy blonde woman, why I will put the blade down, and why I will face the world when I would much rather give up and flee.

I learned from my mother selflessness, and the value of putting others before yourself. She taught me that love is not merely a fleeting emotion like its secular bastardization via the Enlightenment, but that it is a conscious, self-emptying sacrifice whereby the recipient comes before the giver. Even when that recipient was a pedantic, ungrateful little shit who never deserved it. What St. Monica was to my patron St. Augustine of Hippo, so my mother is to me. The old adage that you will never meet a woman as good as your mother applies especially to me. She will always be #1 in my life.

What are some of the things that you love about your mother? And to those of you who are mothers, how does it feel knowing you have the most important job in the world?

@Stacyzee @CheerGirl38139 @snowangle @nalaa @ObscuredBeyond @redeyemindtricks @ElissaDido @OlderAndWiser @kaylaS91

A Tribute to the Most Important Woman in My Life: My Mom
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