You Might Want To End These "Friendships"

You Might Want To End These

I think it's worth it to take it back to the beginning and ask, why do we have friends in the first place? Well, these buddies of ours are there because they add something interesting and meaningful to our lives. They help us to better socialize. They have our backs when we're going through the good, but especially when we are going through the bad. They laugh at our jokes, and cry when we cry, and would do anything for us. Friendship is however, not a limitless. There are people that we've considered friends that maybe aren't that good for us at all.

The You Owe Me Friend

Friendship is about reciprocity without tabs. We go out, you pay, I pay, you pay, I pay, we pay, we pay, you pay, I pay, and so fourth and so on. It isn't calling to attention that someone owes you this time because they paid last time (moochers withstanding). No friend should be acting like they are doing you the worlds greatest favors by buying you a coke that one time. With true friends, there is a mutual understanding that you do things for each other, no strings attached and you reciprocate.

The Total Embarrassment Friend

If you literally feel ashamed in any sort of way to bring a certain friend around your other friends and/or your family, ask yourself why. If you can only be friends with this person in private, or you have to pretend in front of others that you're not friends, or deny your friendship because you fear, literally, fear, what others may think, there are usually reasons for that. Maybe they are a total mess. Maybe they say and do things that others find extremely disrespectful. Is it worth it to have this friendship anymore if you can only have it sometimes when no one is around.

The Flirting Friend

This type of friend violates girl and guy code 1000%. You do not under any circumstances sleep with a friends boyfriend or girlfriend and think or demand that they just be cool with that. It doesn't matter if your friend's relationship is getting ugly and about to end---don't jump in and seal that deal by sleeping with their boyfriend/girlfriend if you care one second about your friend or intend to carry on in friendship. Even before this, you also don't flirt with their SO. Off limits! If your so called friend is sniffing around your SO, you should be alarmed because odds are that "innocent flirting" won't be that innocent too long after.

You Might Want To End These "Friendships"

The Time Suck Friend

Once again, where are they. You agreed to meet at 8pm, it's now 9pm and they haven't called or texted. Now it's a week later, and you agreed on 10am, and they are a no show. You invite them over for a party and ask them to bring something as important as the ice for the drinks, they bail. It's a constant pattern of not showing up or showing up late. Your time means zero to them and worse they become more an more unapologetic about it. Ditch them and find someone who actually wants to hang on time.

The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Friend

One day, everything seemed great. Your friendship seemed so solid and wonderful, and then you went to their social media or you heard some things through the grapevine and discovered that the person you thought you knew was basically a monster. Whether you found out they were posting or saying behind your back in real life racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic, religiously, or culturally offensive things, this is your eye opening warning that this person might not be the person you thought they were. Just because someone associates with you, does not mean that they respect or appreciate who you are. None of us are perfect and we do make mistakes, but if you're sensing a pattern, you might want to ditch this person asap.

You Might Want To End These "Friendships"

The Gossip Royal

Trust is something that has to be earned, and when you trust your friends, you trust that what you say to them in private, stays right there. If you have a friend who likes to parrot everything you say to everyone and has a sorry, not sorry type of attitude or they think your secrets are actually theirs to dispense with at will, get rid of this person. This could hurt you in a big way.

You Might Want To End These "Friendships"
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