Which of this names should we pick for our new daughter?

This is the same question as this one (see here), but with more details in description

Last May 4th, my wife had her first child and we're having trouble picking a name.

We have chosen some names, which one do you like the most?

Before answering take in consideration that my wife is quarter-Icelandic, quarter-Scottish, quarter-Korean, and quarter-Japanese... she has a Japanese surname such as "Konayagi," and she has facial details like the girls below
Which of this names should we pick for our new daughter?

Which of this names should we pick for our new daughter?

Which of this names should we pick for our new daughter?

I already have 3 girls of my own, named: Stephanie, Evgenya, and Mèrida.

Our families are also discussing and voting for the names proposed.

If you have a name that would fit with an Asian surname, you can share it.

(Images are for illustration purposes)

Select gender and age to cast your vote:
+1 y
Have decided to narrow down to three names only: Sayuri, Nari, and Roos
thanks for your cooperation. This poll (and the previous one) are now closed.
You may answer the new one as soon as it comes out.
Which of this names should we pick for our new daughter?
Post Opinion