I'm not pretty so why do men like me?

Ok I'm not the stereotypical pretty girl that looks like she could be in videos and magazines and I don't even look like the girls that guys consider hot. actually I'm kind of ugly. lol I'll be honest I don't have the money to really look good and I don't put a lot of effort into it I'll admit. so do guys really care that much about personality or do they assume that ugly girls are easy so they pretend to like me? by the way I am NOT easy (dont have casual sex) I just find myself mistrusting guys intentions because you know we're told that men are visual creatures and that looks come first so if you don't have the looks what else is it? can a guy really fall for a girl if she's not attractive if he likes her personality? I thought those girls were just friends. inform me
I'm not pretty so why do men like me?
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