Why I Gave Up Talking to Women


Why I Gave Up Talking to Women

A while ago, I gave up talking to women and even being around women. And to answer your thoughts, no I am not gay, I am far from gay, but I've given up trying to talk to women because each and every women I have talked to has given me the same response. In this take, I'll explain why I, as a 17 year old male, have given up on talking to women.

1.) Looks

Why I Gave Up Talking to Women

The majority of girls only care about looks. Plain and simple. If they tell you that they care about personality more than looks that they are most likely lying. Girls want a guy with a handsome face and an aesthetically pleasing body aka big arms, big chest, and a six pack. Let me tell you guys something. Girls will always say that they prefer skinny guys or fatter guys, but in the end the majority will get their panties wet over a guy who looks like a Greek god. A majority of girls don't even talk to you unless they find you physically pleasing.

They believe that talking to guys who aren't physically good looking are a waste of time to talk to. Since I'm not blessed with amazing facial features and I'm doomed to be skinny forever and will never get a god like body, I am not wanted by girls, and so I do not waste my time or their time talking to them or being in their presence. Whenever I'm with a group of my guy friends and they go over and talk to girls that they know (some of these girls even know me) I walk away, so that they can spare themselves from being disgusted by my facial features.

2.) Language

Why I Gave Up Talking to Women

I feel as though learning a girl's "language" is harder than learning rocket science. What I mean by language is body language and mental language. Learning a girl's body language is really hard because each girl has a different way of expressing their body language and tend to send mixed signals without even knowing it. A girl's mental language is even harder to crack. Knowing how a girl thinks is really hard because their brain functions on who they pick to date are more complicated than a guy. They always need to pick the right guy. Looks are essential in this stage because that is how the girl is going to judge if you are a creepy rapist or a normal guy. Kinda stupid right? That's why girls won't associate themselves with you if you're unattractive. They will automatically think you're a creep. That is another reason why I don't want to be in the presence of girls.

3.) Status

Why I Gave Up Talking to Women

I don't have much to say about this one because it's really a simple concept. If you are of a higher status (rich, play sports, etc.) then girls will love you. I don't really have a high status at my school. It isn't super high but yet it isn't super low. I have a lot of friends at school, but girls see me as a loser because I'm not physically pleasing to them.

And this concludes myTake. These reasons are why I don't talk to girls and the reasons why I try to stay away from them. Plain and simple ladies and gents. Thanks for reading!

Why I Gave Up Talking to Women
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