Questions: Flirting

1 d

I am 28 and still horrible at flirting. How do I start?

I have had girlfriends but I am never been good at flirting. I simply become friends with them and then propose them. I am new to tinder and all. So I wanted to know how to hit on a stranger.
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3 d

Would you give a guy your number in traffic?

I see all these cute women in their cars sitting next to me at traffic lights in my area. What would you think if a guy rolled his window down and waved at you in an attempt to get your phone number to text you later and...
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4 d

How do you hit on a gym crush?

Hello everybody, I wanted to ask you guys. I like a girl at my gym, how do I start a conversation with her and eventually make her go out with me?
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5 d
Stare then Smile
Check someone out, after they checked me out first
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6 d

I thought she wasn’t into me. But is she sending me signals?

A month or so ago I pretty much said to myself that she’s only being friendly and unless she makes any move nothing will happen between us. So I decided I will mentally move Went to a work party few weeks ago. She came up...
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8 d

Have you ever been someone's crush? How did you realize it and how did you deal with it?

After a couple of years, i realized that a girl i knew in college had a huge crush on me, i guess i was too dense to realize it then 🤷🏻 but then again, i had my sights set on someone else at the time. In my eyes...
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8 d

How can an autistic guy flirt with women?

If his body language isn’t the same as other guys for example we suck at reading body language we also have neutral faces
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9 d
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10 d

Friendly or more meaning?

So if you just start at a job and your walking in the door and another girl who also is new starts up a conversation with you is that being friendly or more. I ask because it was more personal in nature when we did...
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10 d

I think my boss with a boyfriend might like me or I could be completely wrong?

i think my boss might like me but everytime i think that with a girl i'm misinterpreting the signs so i'm here to ask if there's anything. here are the "signs" i thought might signal interest: -she once came up to me and...
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11 d

This girl flirts with me but then gets dry should I keep it up or give her space?

This girl and I have been flirting back and forth for a few days and even called a few times but she’ll get super dry about halfway through a day but then pick it back up around the same time the next day, I don’t pick up...
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14 d
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