Lazy Food: Three Minute Milo Mug Cake

If you haven't seen my first recipe in I guess what is becoming a 'lazy food' series, I suggest you check it out here. It's a peanut butter mug cake with three ingredients!

Lazy Food: Three Minute Milo Mug Cake

Now, on to this recipe.

I aced it with my first go, so I'm sure it won't be difficult for other people to do as well. It's great for those late night chocolate cravings!


1 tbsp melted butter
2 tbsp Milo powder
1 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp self-raising flour

1/2 an egg (beaten, to make it easier to split)
A pinch of salt


Microwave the butter until melted.

Mix with Milo and sugar in a bowl until there are no lumps.

Add the egg, flour and a pinch of salt, and mix well.

Pour into a mug or microwave safe ramekin etc.

Microwave for 40 seconds, (1100w). Obviously, this will need adjusting depending on the wattage of your microwave, but just have a play with it. When a skewer comes out clean from the centre, it's ready!

It's a bit plain by itself so I'd suggest having it with cream or ice cream. Serve when still hot.

Lazy Food: Three Minute Milo Mug Cake

I got this recipe from here.

I hope you enjoy this, and let me know how it goes if you try it!

Lazy Food: Three Minute Milo Mug Cake
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