Healthy Herbal Teas and Supplements You Should Try


This is a part 2 of a similar take I wrote a while ago. Here are some more teas and supplements that have a lot of health Benefits. If you ever try them make sure you ask your doctor if they are safe for you to try.

1.) Ashwagandha

A very popular herb used in teas and vitamins that has various health benefits such as helping preserve youthful skin, increase libido, may help fight cancer, decrease arthritis and many more benefits.

Healthy Herbal Teas and Supplements You Should Try

2.) Maca

It's often confused Ashwagandha but it's actually different. It has similar benefits and it could be used as a alternative if you can't find Ashwagandha. It usually comes in tea.

Healthy Herbal Teas and Supplements You Should Try

3.) Moringa

Usually sold in Powder, it can be used in Smoothies and teas. It has protein, Iron and Calcium.

Healthy Herbal Teas and Supplements You Should Try

4.) Valerian root

A root that is refined into tea or encased in capsules is primarily used for anxiety. It smells like vinegar and smelly socks.

Healthy Herbal Teas and Supplements You Should Try

5.) Turmeric

A type of ginger that is usually blended with various kinds of tea. It's antioxidant, it improves brain function, anti carcinogenic etc.

Healthy Herbal Teas and Supplements You Should Try

6.) Gunpowder green tea

A type of tea that helps fight various types of ailments such as heart disease, arthritis, it helps prevent tooth decay and can even assist in weight loss

Healthy Herbal Teas and Supplements You Should Try

7.) Hibiscus

A very popular tea that has many types of vitamins such as Fiber, protein, Vitamin A, Iron, copper, zinc and many more vitamins. It can reduce high blood pressure, it's anti carcinogenic, it can alleviate anxiety and has many other benefits.

Healthy Herbal Teas and Supplements You Should Try

8.) Anise

A tea used primarily to alleviate bloating and helping expel flatulence. However it's also said to increase libido. It also has iron, Manganese, Calcium, Copper and phosphorus.

Healthy Herbal Teas and Supplements You Should Try
Healthy Herbal Teas and Supplements You Should Try
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