What Not To Do/Say To A Pregnant Woman

What Not To Do/Say To A Pregnant Woman

Things not to ask or do to a pregnant woman:

(1) Make reference to her size:

  • You look like you're ready to pop!

Do I look like a bomb about to explode?

It's great that you think that!

Now, If only I could explode on you....

  • You look like you're having twins! (When in fact, I'm only expecting one)

As if I don't feel big enough already, having gained 30 lbs with my now swollen ankles. The last thing I wanted to be reminded of is the fact that you think I look like an enormous truck.

What Not To Do/Say To A Pregnant Woman

Why are you so bloated in the stomach area?

I was 22 years old at the time (about 4 months pregnant). I am a very small framed person, so if I even gain a little bit of weight it's noticeable. I will never forget this question...it came from a 26 year old woman who I worked with at the time. She had a child of her own (toddler age), so the fact that she asked me this question in such an un-thoughtful way shocked me even more.I assumed since she is a Mother herself she would know how to better phrase that question. But boy, was I wrong!

::Raging hormones::

What Not To Do/Say To A Pregnant Woman

  • Talk about how wonderful her old body used to be.

I had met a guy a previous time before (he was a associate of my partner). Although he was old enough to be my Father that did not stop him from checking me out. The first time he saw me I was not pregnant. The second time he saw me I was well into my pregnancy. He was shocked and a bit inhebriated that day. Perhaps this had influence? but he wasted no time going on and on about how nice and slim I used to be. I had never felt so ugly and undesirable in my life!

Oh well,

at least my man appreciated those huge pair of tits that came along

with my ever growing belly!

(2) Non-chalant actions and questions.

  • Start rubbing a pregnant woman's belly without asking permission.

It's great that you love the sight of my belly. But no, this isn't a magic genie. I do not give you permission to rub, now get your filthy paws off of me!

  • Do you know who your baby's father is?

I know this world is overpopulated with people making poor decisions, but I am not one of them.

What Not To Do/Say To A Pregnant Woman

Just a pregnant woman trying to buy some baby clothes.

I remember walking through a department store. I headed towards the direction of one of the employees. I wanted to ask a question about one of their products. Before I could even open my mouth, the employee pointed me to the direction of the bathroom.

I know...I know, pregnant women usually have to pee. But don't assume whatever question I am about to ask is going to be of that nature! Let a girl get her words out, before you assume you know what she's going to ask.....sheesh!

(3) Judge me

  • "You better be at least 25!"

I remember an older woman said the above sentence to me. I was in my early twenties. The fact that I barely looked like an adult and still a teen did not help! Just because I was a bit on the younger side doesn't mean I didn't have a lot to offer my child.

Have you seen the news ever?

Age doesn't determine whether you're there for your child or not.

I've seen parents that are "mature ages" abuse, neglect, and harm their child. Whether someone is a good parent or not, comes down to the individual themselves not their birth year.

  • "You better be married or you should get an abortion".

I was a cashier during this time, so a lot of people had questions or were curious about my pregnancy. I remember I had a customer that said this to me.

So, there you have it!

What Not To Do/Say To A Pregnant Woman

A great majority of pregnant women want to feel...

  • Desired.

  • As far away from fat as possible.

  • We don't want you to act as if our stomach's are magic genies (Ask permission before you rub)--It's polite!

  • Not judged (If you don't know me personally, then you have no business saying what I should or could have done).

All this typing has got me having the craving for some hot cheetos and rice.

What a combination!

I think I'm having deja vu....

Take care!

What Not To Do/Say To A Pregnant Woman
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