Everything About The Shy Girl

I have been wanting to write this myTake for a long time because I know there are a lot of things guys don’t completely understand about shy girls.I hope this mytake will help guys understand a little bit more about how shy girls think. However I am not saying everything I write on this myTake is applicable to every girl because every girl is different.

Everything about the shy girl

I spent all of High School in a crush stage. I noticed a guy in my English class staring at me during lunch while with my friends.We never really talked but it kept happening for years. So one day I got all the courage I could get to go up and talk to him. However all that I got from him were short answers, fast replies and nothing more. The same happens every time.What I am trying to say is that if you are also shy and don’t make an effort to try to talk the relationship won’t work.After multiple incidents like that I no longer wanted to engage or pursue conversation with any other guys I liked fearing I would have to face the awkward silence. From then on I was the shy girl.

Everything About The Shy Girl

I think there are two types of shy girls let’s say there is type A and type B.

Type A: I am type a I am shy but person in general but I work hard to overcome it when it comes to meeting people. However things change when it comes to cute guys.

Type B: Is a little more complicated since although they might want to overcome their shyness, they might find it a lot harder start a conversation. They also find it harder to start a conversation with cute guys.

Everything About The Shy Girl

If I had to give advice to guys when it comes to shy girls I would say:

Start a conversation with her

Just because she doesn’t does not mean she does not want to. If you don’t know her ask about something simple like the weather. Let’s say you have or had a class with her “Hey didn’t/don’t I have you for English?” What guys have to understand is that girls over think things too much we think of so many scenarios that could happen. I have always admired guys for not caring too much in that aspect. That is why guys, I hate to say this but you have to be the one to approach her and start the convo. Because I see it a bit hard for the girl to do it.

(This happened to me recently) I take the public bus home from college. When the bus stopped in my stop. I noticed a guy who I never saw get off in my stop at this time. I ignored him since I thought we were going to end up going separate ways and no guy ever paid attention to me. When we stopped at the intersection, I noticed we were headed the same way, however checked my phone for my friends snapchat. She was studying, so I decided to put away my phone and let her study. Once the light turned green, I noticed the guy was walking slow. I found myself in a battle weather to pass him or stay behind. If I passed him it would be awkward since it would clearly tell him he is walking too slow. Also what if I had something stuck on my jeans or something. But I noticed he was walking too slow. When we got to the other side he said “I noticed we are walking the same way where do you live by?” I could be more shocked nothing like this ever happend to me before. I could tell he noticed how shocked I was.But he probably thought his question was to personal “I live by_” I said. From then on he asked me what classes I was taking. I could tell I sounded serious I guess it was because I didn’t want get to happy and freak him out or something. I tried to think of things to say but I got nervous. And the more nervous I got the more I couldn’t think of what to say.

Everything About The Shy Girl

What I hope you get out of this is that it does not matter how you start the conversation, she won’t care she will be a lot more happy that you did. The first few times you talk might be hard but you will gain trust and the more trust you gain the more she will open up.That happened for me and the guy. We have talked multiple time now that we even sit together on the rides home. We hug when we see each other and when when we say goodbye.

The more she trusts you the more you will get to know her. The way to earn her trust is by listening to what she says and showing that you are interested in what she says. That way she feels comfortable talking.

Everything is not what it seems

If she does not look at you when she is talking it does not mean she does not like looking at you it just means she is insecure and feel that if you look at he you might see a flaw.(Maybe she is insecure about her teeth or hates her nose.)

Everything About The Shy Girl

It is important to remember it is quite normal for her to speak very little the first few times to not talk so much since she is not used to specked to guys. It does not mean she does not want to talk to you. She could also be nervous and not be able to think of what to say. Also she might be scared to say something stupid.

I hope this helped.

Everything About The Shy Girl
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