Average or Below-Average Women In Real Life Would Be Considered Hot On Dating Sites


Average or Below-Average Women In Real Life Would Be Considered Hot On Dating Sites

When it comes to the world of online dating, women have an enormous power and leverage advantage over men to the point where even an average or below-average woman can afford to be super picky. A woman that is rated a 4 or 5 in real life would probably be viewed as a 6 or 7 online. It is a known fact that on average, women recieve about 3 to 4 times as many messages as men (and women know this). Because of this, they are rarely the initiators.

Let's look at an example.

Let's say that a woman is walking around in the city and she spots a man that she is really attracted to. In her mind, he is considered an 8 or 9. She proceeds to do everything in her power to try to get his attention. However, her efforts proved to be futile since he never reciprocated. She is left heartbroken at the prospect of never seeing him again.

Let's look at it from another perspective.

Let's say that the same woman received a message on a dating site from the same guy. She reads his message and checks out his profile. In her mind, the same man that she considers an 8 or 9 on the streets is now considered a 5 or 6. So what happens? She ignores him and doesn't lose any sleep over it.

This is why average or below average women in real life would be considered hot on dating sites.

Average or Below-Average Women In Real Life Would Be Considered Hot On Dating Sites
3 Opinion