Why do so many American/Western women seek to treat men like crap?

Even many women who don't consider themselves feminists have a man hating attitude. They must insult belittle and control every aspect of the relationship, the man must wait on her hand and foot, if he asks for the slightest bit of what he gives in return he is punished by the woman who supposedly "loves" him, he is cheated on, then blamed for the fact the woman cheated, then the woman uses the legal system to her advantages, getting virtually assured custody of kids (with child support) and alimony payments. And on top of all this they still seek to insult men every chance they get. Why are they so sadistic?

Is it any wonder why so many can't find a "good man"? Most of us just give up on the assholes, or go overseas, you know where women actually treat us like human beings (shocker I know).
Why do so many American/Western women seek to treat men like crap?
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