Describe your dream man/woman?

Looks, personality, lifestyle, everything. I know there is no such thing as finding somebody who has every single little thing you want in the opposite sex, but hey it's fun to dream!

What is your dream man/woman, if you could have it?

I know a guy like this is unrealistic...but it's fun to dream:

A guy somewhat older (scaled to fit my current age I'd say mid to late 20s right now)

Tall, broad, very masculine. Brown hair and eyes, big smile. Handsome, manly, chiseled features. Very professional-looking, I'm a sucker for men in suits. Not skinny but not fat, but big and strong.

Confident, self-assured, flirtatious, charismatic, highly intelligent, opinionated, a go-getter who knows how to get what he wants and is very take-charge. Sexual (not explicitly, but some people just have that vibe that screams "sex")

Professional. I love professors, lawyers, businessmen. Not because of the money, and not all of them are so wealthy. I just love power.

Describe your dream man/woman?
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