My girlfriend is gorgeous but doesn't know how to be sexy. How do I tell her with out telling her?

My girl friend is stunningly beautiful but has no sex appeal. She doesn't really enjoy her woman hood. When it comes to her being sexy it's kinda of like watching someone struggle with a puzzle all the pieces are there but they aren't sure how they fit. She was raised as tomboy an never really learned how to be feminine. I on the other hand have great taste when it comes to style, but don't enjoy telling her how to put the puzzle together. I Wana be surprised but she not very good at it. I love her death but how can I help her get it?
+1 y
first off I don't want to change her I want to help with her confidence. "stumbling in the dark" is a much better analogy. She never had anyone to show her how to be confident and sexy. I was the first person to ever take her shopping and tell her she looked great in what she had on. She tries very hard and that only makes me love her more. I am not a girl so when I say things or tell her stuff that may help her she isn't always as receiving as she would be if it were from a girlfriend.
+1 y
Its hard to be her boyfriend and her guide. She grew up learning how to hunt and skin animals. Nobody taught her to embrace her sexy side.

My girlfriend is gorgeous but doesn't know how to be sexy. How do I tell her with out telling her?
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