I feel suicidal over my short height?

Recently I was concerned about being 5'10" without shoes on. I felt short, so I went to the school nurse to get measured and she told I was only 5'7"! That can't be right! I was measured about a year ago without shoes and I was 5'10" My mom is clearly 5'7" and I'm taller then her. so what, did I just shrink 3 inches over the past year?

I took this news like a punch in the gut and when I told people this, not one person said "That's bull, you can't be only 5'7" They just believed it. I've also noticed that after I received this news, everyone seems taller than me and I seem just barely taller than a lot of girls!

I'm sorry, but 5'7" is unacceptable, I can't go on living life being this height. The world id too cruel, shallow and superficial, I have nowhere to belong. Girls won't date me and everybody is taller than me. I see no piont in living.
I feel suicidal over my short height?
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