Is this normal behavior for my girlfriend, or should I be getting upset? Girls opinions.

My girlfriend has been getting on my nerves lately. Some of her friends has a thing for Asian guys, and she does somewhat too. So lately, she and her friend have been joking around about this famous Korean singer, and how they are going to become mistresses and marry get married to several Korean celebrities.

Typically I just turn my head, but she starts to do it more and more. On her Facebook wall, her friend wrote "You are the one person who finally understands my taste in men!" and posted a picture of this half naked korean guy. She responded with another picture of him, and they started debating which one was the sexiest.

Jokingly yesterday, she asked if I wanted to see what her future Korean husband looked like. I mean come on, this is annoying -.- If I EVER suggested anyone was hot, she would get upset and constantly insult said person and desperately try and point out in which ways she is hotter.

I mean, I don't act like it bothers me. I just brush it off. but the more and more she does it, the more it kinda irritates me. Should I be upset and vocal about it? Or is it just stupid girl talk and to leave it alone?
Is this normal behavior for my girlfriend, or should I be getting upset? Girls opinions.
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