Answering GaG's Most Frequently Asked Questions

*WARNING: There are lots of exaggerations in this take, if you're gonna take everything literally then gtfo. Thanks. Bye. *

1. "My penis is 7 inches, is that big enough?"

Yes. Most women do not care for ridiculously large 10 inch dicks. Women are perfectly happy with an average sized 6 inch dick (or 5 inch, whatever the average is) because this is real life, not porn.

Actually why am I answering this? We both know you only asked because you want to hear people say your dick is big.

Answering GaG's Most Frequently Asked Questions

He talks like this cause he can back it up, he got a big egooooo

2. "What race is the most attractive?"

There are good looking people in every race. And there are ugly people in every race.

I've seen beautiful white people before, but then I've seen white people who are disgusting looking.

I've seen gorgeous black people, and I've seen black people who are ugly as fuck.

Same with every other race

TO ME, its not about race but about how each person looks individually.

Answering GaG's Most Frequently Asked Questions

3. "He picked up my pencil does he like me?" (Actual question that I've seen before...)

Dear Women,

Stop overthinking about every little action that a guy does. Just because we picked up your pencil doesn't mean we like you. Just because we said "Hey, how are you?" Doesn't mean we like you. Just because we glanced over at you for 0.3 seconds, doesn't mean we like you.

Sincerely, all men

Answering GaG's Most Frequently Asked Questions

4. "We are 18 days apart from each other, is that a big age difference?"

Obviously 18 days is a huge exaggeration lol

But most of the time when I see this question the age gap is only 2 years or something.

Its barley a gap at all. Now if it was 3 years...we'd be talking a HUGE difference (sarcasm)

No but seriously even if it was a big age difference, who cares?

Unless you're 30 dating a 16 year old. Don't do that. It's weird. They're a kid. You're an adult.

Answering GaG's Most Frequently Asked Questions

5. "How come all men/women are [Insert negative thing here]?"

Stop generalizing. Just because you have horrible taste when it comes to dating and you keep going for the assholes, doesn't mean we're all like that. Quit being bitter

"But everyone I date turns out the same"

Maybe its you then, ever thought of that? Maybe you're just a jerk and you make everyone you date hate you. If you really think everyone of the opposite sex is the same, then go gay or stop complaining :))))

Answering GaG's Most Frequently Asked Questions

6. "[Insert rant with no question here]"

This one applies to a lot of people who ask the question before this one as well.

What's the point of just ranting and ranting about something that nobody gives a shit about, and then getting angry when someone disagrees? You must be a very angry person. If you don't have a question, at least put it in a MyTake. I don't understand how those don't just get deleted.

7. "Does this count as cheating?"

If you have to ask, probably.

Answering GaG's Most Frequently Asked Questions

8. "I just did ___ with a guy, Can I get pregnant from this?"

This question should be asked BEFORE you did whatever it was. What really surprises me is that most of the time what they're asking about OBVIOUSLY won't get you pregnant.

"He touched his dick and then I touched his hand, am I pregnant?"

The fact that you don't even know how pregnancy works proves you're either way too young or way too uneducated to be doing anything sexual AT ALL.


Just fucking google it, its really not hard.

Answering GaG's Most Frequently Asked Questions

9. "Should I tell my crush I like them?"

GO FOR IIIIIT. The worst they can do is say "Sorry, I don't feel the same"

That sucks, but then you just move on. You don't have to wait any longer wondering if they like you or not. Get it over with.

Answering GaG's Most Frequently Asked Questions

Questions that USED to get asked all the time:

"What do you think of Turkey/Turkish people?"

They're nice I guess. If I don't say something nice about them, you're probably gonna get mad and block me sooo...

"Why don't girls like nice guys?"

(Or any question about nice guys)

It's not that girls don't like nice guys, it's just they like dominant assertive guys. They don't like guys who agree to everything they say.

"[Insert shit about beta/alpha]"?

You're a douche

"Are all women bisexual?"

Lol nah

That's all folks! Bye

Answering GaG's Most Frequently Asked Questions
Answering GaG's Most Frequently Asked Questions
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