Why Ridiculous Takes Get Promoted

I'm sure you've all read an overtly MyTake on here and wondered "how the hell did this Take get promoted?" So I've decided to make a take about takes, and take this take to explore takes that put the take in take. And if that made no sense to you as it did to me, I'm pretty much just going to list some possible options explaining the befuddling promotion of certain takes on here. That being said, INTRODUCINGGGGG

"Why Ridiculous Takes Get Promoted"

Why Ridiculous Takes Get Promoted

Possible Reason #1: They're Controversial / Encourage Discussion

Likely the most plausible and common reason, I've noticed that many of the takes that are promoted are overtly controversial. The OP can be talking about something against typical societal values (*coughcough* justifying cheating *achoo*), which is bound to grab hits and clicks from active feminists and generally monogamous people alike. The takes present an opinion on an underlying issue that targets individual morals and is a surefire win to elicit a spew of angry goblins (no offense to goblins) in the comments section.

Possible Reason #2: They're Pretty

Takes are like people in a bar. Most of them look nice, but only a few are downright stunning. Good looking enough to buy a drink. There was this one take on here that remains very memorable for me (but funny enough I can't remember the title LOL) and it was very well-made, aesthetic-wise. And people like pretty things, right? No need for rational logic in the paragraphs, that visual eye candy will do. Speaking of eye candy, let me know how long you stare at this picture.

Possible Reason #3: They're about "Nice Guys"

Like the cream and butter to the muffin that is GaG, the whole "nice guy" genre is one of the site's many traditional emblems. Taking advantage of the surplus of sad and horny muggles, much of the promoted takes feed to this target audience. Those poor unfortunate souls.

Possible Reason #4: They're Events/Holiday Oriented

I saw a take about that putrid gold and white dress (yeah I still see gold and white, the rest of you are drunk #YOLO) and the first thing I thought of was, "dammit! I was too slow!" Takes on certain upcoming holidays and/or popular and/or current events increase the likelihood of promotion. (Notice I did not say guarantee. Nothing in life is guaranteed. Except death. Yay morbidity).

Possible Reason #5: They Include Videos

Because apparently videos make takes more take-y. I've seen a few takes floating around with a minimal description, one even had a single sentence (granted, it was a well-written sentence) but the video made it seem pretty straightforward and informative in the shortest way possible. I don't know. It works for some.

Possible Reason #69: The OP is sleeping with the GaG admins

For those completely inexplicable takes.

What do you guys think? What are some reasons you feel certain takes are promoted? What takes do you notice commonly being published? Let's brainstorm together.

Why Ridiculous Takes Get Promoted
Post Opinion