Why I don't care about gender-only-based questions/mytakes any more

Why I don't care about gender-only-based questions/mytakes any more.

It's been a while now since GAG admins added the for-one-gender-only questions and takes. Many dislike it, so did I. The whole purpose of girls asking guys and vice versa got so to say castrated with it. Today I see this feature only as a tool of talking bad about one gender (usually the opposite) without receiving comments from the forbidden-to-comment gender, which I consider is sexism and to some degree against gender equality.

Rumors were they were going to remove this feature. Well, time has passed and this has not been changed. However other things have changed. Looks like this one anti-girls-ask-guys-feature is going to stay.

The reasons why I don't care about this feature anymore

  1. People come here, asking for something. They decide to receive answers only from one gender. Basically they cut the answers they seek theoretically by a half. In other words they deny what they demand.

  2. Like in the first reason both genders own some value of wisdom and advices. Sometimes we wait for the right moment to quote someone or ourself and trying to help the one who asked. Yes, I know, it pisses us off to see they deny answers from our gender if we are here trying to help but that's not our problem we are trying to solve. Or are we?

  3. This reason is basically a copy-paste from number 2 with a difference. Troll's tool to speak bad about gender-based things. Does this make a reason to rather care, that this feature should be removed? It doesn't matter because we do not feed the trolls. Usually the principle is, that they suck at seeking the right relationship they really care(d) about and complain about their problems (again) and blindly start to generalize the gender and seek approval from the one's alike

  4. If you can't comment on such a topic, where your gender has been forbidden, save yourself the time and consideration for the next thing you have in mind (except you want to check it out of curiosity). Move on! If you are bored, then google/yandex/bing something against your boredom.

  5. Some of us tried to make this feature disappear. It didn't happen. Well, at least we tried. It's out of our influence. Girlsaskguys is girlsaskguys, not our own webside but certainly our favourite one. Well, many good things may come to an end and we will have to live without them sooner or later. The only thing we can do is to not make use of one-gender-only filter when we ask girls and guys. Other's do but it's still not RIP GAG.

Why I don't care about gender-only-based questions/mytakes any more

All in all, I consider this feature is still bad but I can live with it anyway. There are some contras such as wanting to check out what one blocked gender had to say about this matter, it would have been interesting to share. There are some work arounds with these such as creating an analogical question for both genders. But still, this feature is viewed as a big deal in this webside and I hope I could ease up the deal for some of you.

Why I don't care about gender-only-based questions/mytakes any more
Post Opinion