Seems like he keeps tabs on me?

My crush and i got into contact a few months ago. He came over in February to my house after weeks of him telling me he wanted to see me and i would say no. So i finally gave in and he came over one night and brought me a hot chocolate (i jokingly told him to bring me one). He was very sweet and nice, we had great conversation. He asked to hug me and i said yes, we leanded away and he kissed me. We would talk for about 2 hours that night and we kissed/made out a lot of time and not once did he try anything (touchy feely). Its been 2 months already and we haven't talked. However, we have eachother on snapchat and he is very quick to see what I post. Seems like he's keeping tabs on me. I dont know why he is so cold w/ me. He seemed so interested, he called me beautiful, he even said we should go to dubai one day, thinkng ahead. We do have a past, few years ago ( i was about 17/18) we met and things didn't go too well b/c i was on/off with my ex. And with this guy we would talk and go cold for several months up to a year up until last year he randomly added me on IG and started talking to me. And now this, im so lost, i dont want to reach out and look depserate. Advice please on my situation. I really like him and i know i messed up, i was young,(im 23 going on 24 and he's 27 going on 28)
Seems like he keeps tabs on me?
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