What does it mean if my ex says he misses my company?

What does it mean if my ex says he misses my company?

what about if I slept with him and he kept kissing me and after he kept staring at me

he never used kiss me when I was with him during sex but he did today loads f times.

i have told him how I feel and he said to me when I told him he will prob get attached to me again with sex,.he replied- "maybe,don't you wanna find out what's going to happen?

i text him when I got home and said is there a chance of us getting back in future and he said no, its just fun for now. I asked what he meant and he said he wants to see how it goes for a bit as in being friends and see if he changes his feelings for me. I said I don't want to get hurt or messed around and he replied saying that he won't mess me around at all. if he feels its going stay friends then that will be that. and he won't put me through **** again
What does it mean if my ex says he misses my company?
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