How can I avoid being nervous around him?

I was wondering how can I avoid being nervous around the guy I like? I know for sure that he likes me too because he's told me that he likes me too. The problem is that I'm really shy so I get really nervous around him. I get so nervous that sometimes I feel like I can't even think straight when I'm around him. We don't know each other too well so most of the time I don't know what to talk to him about. I hardly speak when we're around each other but, when I do start speaking, I worry about rambling on & talking too much. I also end up talking about school since I'm in college but, he's a bit older than me & I'm worried that if I just keep talking about school that I'll end up boring him to death. But basically, the biggest issue here is the fact that I get nervous around him & if I could just stop being so nervous around him, then I could probably find something better to talk to him about or actually say the things that I want to say to him. So, how can I avoid being nervous around him? Any tips or advice?
How can I avoid being nervous around him?
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