He acts interested but is slowly texting me less?


I've been texting this guy for about 4 weeks now who I've kinda known for years but never really talked to. He's friends with EVERYONE (including my cousin) and is a big flirtatious jokester, but doesn't sleep around at all (surprising at 22). Hasn't even had a real girlfriend ever. We texted CONSTANTLY, from sun up to sun down, and last week hit our 900th text. We went out to lunch a few weeks ago (he lives an hour away, and it wasn't a date, but fun nonetheless) and continued texting afterward. Last week we hung out and made out a bit. He said he had fun, and we still hardcore texted the next day. Everything seemed fine. The following day he initiated the first text of the morning, but then didn't reply the entire day. That night he texted me asking me where I was all day. The next day he texted in the morning and then had like a 6 hour gap in responding. He also mentioned how we def need to hang next week. Yet for the past 3 days, he's texting less and less and taking longer and longer to reply, and sometimes not responding to texts at all. But he still ends up texting me something nice and random by the end of the day. I never text him if he doesn't reply--desperate sounding! So what gives? Has the excitement of texting a new girl worn off? Is he just not interested anymore? It doesn't make sense! Especially when I KNOW there isn't some other girl he's after!
He acts interested but is slowly texting me less?
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