What I don't understand about the Obesity Epidemic in America

So, a while back I was reading an article about things that don't make sense about the Fat Acceptance Movement. I think it may have been on ThoughtCatalog, but I'm not sure and feel free to post a link if you find it. Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about this movement and there are some aspects of it that I don't really understand. Now, I know what you're thinking, "we don't care or want your approval." But this is the internet so I'm prompted to finally state my opinions, because these are things I would never say to anyone. I consider myself a really nice person and I actually have quite a few friends who are overweight and I think they are all lovely people. I am a naturally thin person, a statement that makes many people cringe or judge me for whatever reason. I've always been small; I'm 5'8'' and have never weighed over 120 lbs. And that's not a lack of me trying, I eat a lot but I also just have a very high metabolism that makes weight gain very difficult for me. But I also exercise 5 days a week and eat extremely healthy. So, it's true, I have never been overweight and I've never worried about my weight. Maybe the comment section of this article will give me some insight, so I'm totally open to that.

What I don't understand about the Obesity Epidemic in America.

Anyway, here are some things that I just don't understand about our attitude towards overweight and obese individuals in America. Some of these are statements, some are questions, feel free to chime in in the comments:

  1. If you are unhappy with the way you look, why don't you do something about it? I have friends like this. They complain and complain that they don't like the way they look, but refuse to start eating healthier go to the gym. You can't change your life if you don't try. Th gym is really not scary one you start going and everyone has to start somewhere. Whenever I see bigger people at the gym, I think good for them! Which brings me to:

  2. Why are we glorifying obesity and unhealthy lifestyles? Don't get me wrong, I don't think it would be ever okay to say this to people in real life in any situation. I would never say any of this outloud. I don't think it's okay to name call or belittle, but at the same time I don't think it's okay to tell people that being overweight is acceptable. Teaching kids poor eating habits and not having any concern for your own is not okay. Like it or not, obestity is unhealthy. It causes problems with blood pressure, the heart, and if left untreated can take years off your life. It is not okay and it's not okay that we are acting like it is. Take "My Big Fat Fabulous Life" or whatever it is called on TLC. I'm glad that you are loving life, everyone should, but don't say that being 200 lbs overweight is acceptable.

  3. I'm all about positivity, but not at the expense of someone else. This may seem conflictual with the last point but hear me out. I don't think it's okay to call someone "porky," "fatty," or any other demeaning name and I don't think any reasonable person would say that's okay behavior. That being said, why is it okay to say things like "real women have curves" and "Men love real women with real bodies" and calling other women things like "skinny bitch." So, because I'm naturally thin, I'm not a "real woman? What's that suppose to mean? Also, what's with the phrase "size 0 is not a real size." It is my size actually and you don't see me saying "size 20 is not a real size." That would be a ridiculous statement.

  4. Just because someone isn't attracted to you doesn't mean they are a terrible person. I think this may have been one of the points on thier article, but here's my spin on it. I hear people say all the time "That guy/girl is such such and asshole and so superficial because he/she won't see past my body. Here's the thing, people are allowed to not like you. Sure, some people are superficial, that's human nature. So men only like physically fit women, some women enjoy bigger men. Some people are only attracted to short people or tall people or blonde people or brunettes. Or maybe it's your personality that they don't like. Not everyone has to like everyone. I am a tall, thin, outgoing brunette. Do some men find me attractive? Of course. Do some men not find me attractive? Of course. But I don't think they are bad guys, I am just not their type and that's okay. It is probably the lack of confidence or lack of putting any effort in your appearance that is the issue. People who look like they don't try are not the most approachable people ever.

  5. They always blame it on their thyroid. This particularily irks me because I have hypothyroidism. Sure, it screws with your metabolism when untreated but as soon as they put you on the medication to supplement it, it evens out. Plus, if you know you have a medical issue, than you need to be responsible and change your lifestyle.

  6. They eat when they are upset or stressed or happy. I guess I just don't understand the "eating my feelings thing." When I am sad I curl up on the couch in my pjs and cry to my friend or boyfriend. When I am stressed I do yoga and then deal with the issue at hand. When I am happy I also do yoga and I hang out with my friends. Food never crosses my mind. Sure some food tastes good, but it doesn't magically help anything. Doing something about it helps. How does food help anything? If you are lonely and you eat, your are still alone. When I am lonely I make a point to have dinner with friends or I force myself to get out into some type of social environment.

That's all I have for you. Like I said, I am really interested to hear if anyone even remotely agrees. Or if you totally disagree and want to tell me why, that's cool too.

What I don't understand about the Obesity Epidemic in America
Post Opinion