Anyone here who used to have anger problems but over came them without therapy?

My anger wasn't always this bad. It's like the older I get, the less tolerance I have. It's gotten even worse these last few years. I don't lash out violently or anything. It's more internally for me, if I'm making sense. Mostly everyone gets on my nerves now a days. I don't say anything because it typically makes the situation worse when I do.

I just try to hold it in, but I hate feeling this way. I hate being mad for hours. I don't take it out on anyone , I just keep it to myself. I know it's bad for my health. The most I'll do is vent, but still. It really stresses me out. It's not easy for me to let things just roll off my back.

So so basically I just want to hear other people's stories and experiences
Anyone here who used to have anger problems but over came them without therapy?
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