4 Presidential Canditates

I'm really excited about this election. I think Hillary Clinton has the chance to win and become USA's first female president. She has the support of minorities and the LGBT community and many women, though not all. She's a very popular canditate.

4 Presidential Canditates

This is her only daughter Chelsea, her granddaughter Charlotte as a newborn and her former-president husband, along with her son-in-law whose father is a smooth criminal.

4 Presidential Canditates

Bernie Sanders is a very old white guy (has 4 kids), but he has some good ideas even though some people act like he's a communist (in his own words, he's a ''democratic socialist'') for wanting to make colleges tuition-free. It would be really good if he did it because many Americans struggle with student loans. He also supports the $15 minimum wage. I wonder if he'll do something about leaving tipped staff at the mercy of customers too.

I think no one would be surprised if he won.

4 Presidential Canditates

There's Bobby Jindal who opposes gay marriage, loves guns and is a 2nd generation Indian-American. I'd suggest him to run for office in in India, or better yet, start an acting career. He's 44, very young compared to other canditates. He says he's ''the youngest canditate with the longest résumé''.

4 Presidential Canditates

Born in a Hindu family, he converted to Catholicism. He attends church every Sunday with his family.

4 Presidential Canditates

There's Donald Trump, I don't think he'll get any votes at all. A baby would make a better president.

I want to like Ted Cruz. I mean, he's a Texan, conservative, looks like he's out of a comic. He and his family look so white (even though he's half Latino) and Southern it hurts. I feel like we'd be all back to Jim Crow if he was the president. It'd be a catastrophe, but it all seems funny in a way and makes me like him. Not vote for him, though.

The guy's face screams Texas.

4 Presidential Canditates

As you see here, he has a pretty white-looking family. His beautiful wife Heidi is most likely German-American.

4 Presidential Canditates

4 Presidential Canditates
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