20 Weird Phobias You Might Have

Halloween is coming up soon, so I thought I would write a take on phobias.

A phobia is fear of something. With the exception of a couple people, we all are scared of at least one thing. Some of us, whether it be from a bad experience or for no reason at all, have fears that are just irrational. These are some of the most common and weird phobias that people can have. Some are just memes that developed over the years that have been proven to be real.

1. Autophobia

20 Weird Phobias You Might Have

Autophobia is the fear of being alone. Keep your friends close and your enemies...closer?

2. Dentophobia

20 Weird Phobias You Might Have

Dentophobia is the fear of going to the dentist. I don't blame ya, because dentists can be very creepy, especially when they're holding the drill. Run!

3. Coulrphobia

20 Weird Phobias You Might Have

Coulrphobia is the fear of clowns. I'm sorry, but clowns are pretty creepy. Thanks Pennywise, you made people scared of clowns now.

4. Entomophobia

20 Weird Phobias You Might Have

Or arachnophobia if you are afraid of specifically spiders, you are scared of bugs. Ugh, just writing this makes me itchy.

5. Gymnophobia

20 Weird Phobias You Might Have

If you have gymnophobia, you are afraid of getting naked. Better keep the clothes on standby.

6. Nomophobia

20 Weird Phobias You Might Have

Nomophobia is the fear of being without your cellphone. Let's face it, many of us have this. Not having our phones at all times can make some of us nervous, or even terrified. Curse you, technology.

7. Trypanophobia

20 Weird Phobias You Might Have

No to be confused with trypophobia, trypanophobia is the fear of long pointy objects. Hate getting shots? You may have trypanophobia.

8. Didaskaleinophobia

20 Weird Phobias You Might Have

School. Some of us hate it to the point that we dread the idea of going. Didaskaleinophobia is the fear of school. Anything to do with school just makes you scared to even go. Flying books are awesome, but if you hate school, you would hate this.

9. Chorophobia

20 Weird Phobias You Might Have

If you have chorophobia, you have anxiety while dancing. At the club, you would be that person standing there awkwardly bobbing their head. Turn up!

10. Ergophobia

20 Weird Phobias You Might Have

Hate work? Do you just absolutely despise the idea of work? You may have ergophobia. Let's face it, many of us would rather stay curled up in their bed anyway.

11. Politicophobia

20 Weird Phobias You Might Have

Politicophobia, obviously, is the fear of politicians. Ahh! Obama is so scary!

12. Ophthalmophobia

20 Weird Phobias You Might Have

You know what they say, you can literally feel someone staring at you. Does this creep you out? You may have ophthalmophobia. The chills are real.

13. Enochlophobia

20 Weird Phobias You Might Have

Closely related to claustrophobia, the fear of confined spaces, enochlophobia is the fear of large crowds. Who likes large crowds of strangers, anyway?

14. Anuptaphobia
20 Weird Phobias You Might Have

Forever alone, that's what you're afraid of being if you have this phobia. It's the fear of being single.

15. Trypophobia

20 Weird Phobias You Might Have

This has to be one of the most famous phobias. Trypophobia was made popular by the internet when a picture of a lotus pod surfaced. Trypophobia is the irrational fear of large clusters of holes. Please, for the love of pepperoni, do NOT Google it! You will be scarred for life.

16. Philophobia

20 Weird Phobias You Might Have

This is the opposite of anuptaphobia, the fear of being single. Philophobia is the fear of falling or being in love. Butterflies in your stomach? Forget that, people philophobia those butterflies are more like poisonous scorpions, as they are petrified of falling in love. Unfortunately many people in this category end up living a life of solitude and fear of commitment.

17. Hypnophobia (Somniphobia)

20 Weird Phobias You Might Have

Sleep is for the week! Also known as hypnophobia, this is the abnormal fear of falling asleep. Oftentimes it can be the result of people feeling as though they are losing control and nightmares have been known to cause it as well. It is fairly common in children, who sometimes experience night terrors. No, it is NOT insominia.

18. Haphephobia

20 Weird Phobias You Might Have

Stop touching me! Don't get too sclose to a person suffering from this, as it is the fear of being touched.

19. Decidophobia

20 Weird Phobias You Might Have

Decisions descisions... While some of you just don't like making decisons, there are some people her are actually petrified of making dicisions. Don't ask a person suffering from this to pick what you should have for dinner tonight.

20. Phobophobia

20 Weird Phobias You Might Have

Phobophobia is the fear of well...phobias. If you didn't get scared while reading this, then you're in the clear! Congratulations!

Well, I hope you enjoyed this fun little take, and have an awesome Halloween! :)

Which phobia do you have? Which was the weirdest? :D

Read about more phobias here: The Phobia List

20 Weird Phobias You Might Have
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