Technology Isn't The Only Thing Being Programmed, People Are

Technology Isn't The Only Thing Being Programmed, People Are

Nowadays one of the most popular forms of communication lies in sending texts through your phone. It's almost as if humans have become non-verbal and more impersonal, as technology begins to grab its hold on some of its most avid users.

Technology Isn't The Only Thing Being Programmed, People Are

Lets rewind time, when technology was used the way it was intended for.
Back then, if people wanted to speak to you, they'd give you a phone call.
If someone liked you they'd tell you in person,
instead of searching for you on social media to send a friend request to you.
Is that now the method of introduction to another, conveniency for oneself?
Have "we" lost our voice?
Have "we" lost our courage?
If you posted a photo online and no one commented,you'd still be able to move forward and enjoy daily aspects of your day.
But now with the online "like" feature, if you don't get a certain number of likes,
your whole self value as now taken a plummet.
Instead of moving forward, you're now left questioning every minor detail about yourself,
including your appearance.
"Oh no, someone elses photo has gained so much more likes than mine!",
you voice to yourself.
Your crowd of friends seem to be flocking more towards that individual.
Does this mean you are unattractive and less desirable than them?,
this a question you ask yourself.
You feel that way, because your value lies within whether or not someone decides to click a button or scroll over it.
Is that how your self esteem is evaluated?
By a button that takes seconds to click?
I've seen many of the users on popular websites deactivate their account.
One of the main reasons for their departure is that they've spent so much time in cyber world,
that they have neglected work or school.
How can "you" lose the ability to function when something is so essential?
Have you no control or discipline?

It's almost as if technology isn't all that's being programmed but "we" are as people.

Technology Isn't The Only Thing Being Programmed, People Are

"We" have become robots to communication.
Simple gestures, touch and conversation, have been replaced by buttons on a screen,
and a click of a button.
If you're not like this then I applaud you,
although I am most certain you have observed many fall under what I am describing.
Instead of taking in the beauty that is around us each and every day,
we meet each other with our heads down, buried in our phones.
I know the model of one's phone before I meet their eyes.
I know what a person's hair line looks like before I see their face.
What a big disgrace!
When I'm finally given one's attention, it is divided.
They're caught between constant glances at their phone and speaking to me.
What has happened to people?

Technology Isn't The Only Thing Being Programmed, People Are

Some will say, technology is to blame.
They will proceed to say, too much of something never does any good.
If that is the case, then I must ask who really is in control, technology or is it you?
Although we are not computers, we all have options.
It's okay to have technology involved in your life, but where is the medium?
These man made objects took hours to build, but in comparison to how much time a day
is spent using it, is non-comparable.

Days from now no one will remember how many "likes" you gained on that given day.
What they will remember is how much impact and personability you brought into their lives by giving your undivided attention.

Technology Isn't The Only Thing Being Programmed, People Are
Post Opinion