Best way to meet/get women=invite over to smoke Marijuana for free.

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It seems that every guy I know that smokes weed and invites people over to smoke has lots of friends. I wonder why...

Anyway, most of these guys who are decently attractive have a girlfriend and have lots of female friends.

So therefore, the best way to meet women and get women is to buy lots of marijuana, and invite people over to smoke. Thus you look popular, and you get a chance to talk to and meet new people all the time.

Therefore being able to work your charm.

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Not all people who smoke marijuana are pot heads or drug addicts. I would imagine that MOST are not actually.

This is an important point people need the understand.

The second point, is that I am already interesting/funny. I just need girls to be around me to realize this.
Best way to meet/get women=invite over to smoke Marijuana for free.
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