Men staring, glaring, gazing, ogling

Guys, do you feel like you are rude if you stare at women?

IS it part of your strategy for picking up women?

I know there are many questions here that ask "what does it mean if he stares at me"...I'm NOT asking THATquestion.

My question is more along the lines of:

* What are you thinking and feeling when you stare down women?

Some men just do a lite gaze at women, some others a very interested in the eyes look...and then there are other stares that is enough to make a woman wonder:

** "What is up with this dude, and IS THIS guy okay in the head?, is HE going to STALK me?"

In the flirting much intensity and forwardness does a guy use before he knows he has crossed some kind of line?

I mean, I'm specifically thinking about how this one guy flirts with me, he stares at me as if to communicate this message of.. "I KNOW YOU"...

I have no idea how to interpret this, it's a bit unnerving and beyond normal flirtation as far as I am used to.

OKAY, so I would put it this way: THIS guy gives a look like HE HAS too much confidence.

I mean he is a really HOT guy but his stare comes across a bit like the horror movie: "I know what you did last summer"...

I've got to admit although I think he is trying to flirt with me, it's a bit intimidating the way he goes about it.

So what has occurred in this guys head that HE thinks it's okay for him to GLARE/stare at me like that?

I would say that staring is a little different than glaring, and different then gazing and not the same as glancing, and still different compared to what this guy is doing deserve a different category altogether that I can't even think of a good WORD for it

So what makes a man feel comfortable enough to look at a woman and give her this intense "I KNOW YOU" look

Or maybe it's more of an "I KNOW YOU WANT IT" kind of look?

I mean shouldn't I be sort of freaked out?

Part of me even wonders if it's more of a:

"I'm gonna rape you look"

Should I be worried that he is a stalker or that he is just being an over eager dorky flirt?

Should I run...OR should I approach?

Men staring, glaring, gazing, ogling
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