The Reason Why I Have Lost All Faith in Marriage

The Reason Why I Have Lost All Faith in Marriage

Inspired by the plethora of marriage articles I have seen lately on this website like this and this, I felt compelled to chime in and offer my own Take. Namely, about why I, as a young man living in the 21st century, has lost all faith in the institution of marriage and laments the current state of our society. You see, the issue for me is not so much with the institution of marriage in itself as much as it is the modern and post-modern world surrounding it. In other words, my problem is with the state of Western civilization in itself and the subsequent implications that it has for marriage.

Simply put, marriage no longer offers any benefits to guys like me. Liberalism has effectively undercut the incentive to marry.

I consider myself an extremely conservative man. Not 'conservative' merely in the American sense of the word which is still extremely liberal in the grand scheme of things, but a true conservative in the sense that I am opposed to the very fabric of modernity itself. I long to return to the days of antiquity and medieval times, when God, King, and Country reigned supreme. I believe in tradition, religion, and the patriarchy. I support hierarchical structures. I am especially convinced that the traditional family unit -- a man with his wife and children -- is the nucleus of society and that the European Enlightenment -- which I blame on Protestantism -- was the single worst event in the history of Western civilization.

The Reason Why I Have Lost All Faith in Marriage

So please excuse me if I am a little bit grouchy, but when the March of "Progress" has effectively destroyed everything that you have ever believed in, you would be too. No longer can I expect for my wife to submit. No longer am I entitled to a virgin on the wedding night. Perhaps worst of all, no longer can I expect a woman who abides by traditional gender roles and makes it all worthwhile.

Through promoting a secular culture of promiscuity, selfishness, and equality, the Left has effectively destroyed everything that I have ever hoped to gain out of marriage.

Let's Start With the Women...

The Reason Why I Have Lost All Faith in Marriage

I think this image speaks for itself...Ladies, this is all my generation of men has to look forward to. Long gone are the days of our grandfathers when men could expect a woman who looks like this:

The Reason Why I Have Lost All Faith in Marriage

Behaves like this...

The Reason Why I Have Lost All Faith in Marriage

And is a believer like this...

The Reason Why I Have Lost All Faith in Marriage

Such are byproducts of a bygone age. Yesterday's generation of men had it so much easier. They had to endure the same struggles as us, yes, but they could at least take heed that in the end it would be worth it. They were entitled to such a woman. Marriage brought them benefits.

But for us? For today's generation of men? Look at our crop of women...

The Reason Why I Have Lost All Faith in Marriage

Again, I think the image speaks for itself...This is all my generation of men has to look forward to. Long gone are the days of beauty, tradition, and godliness. Heck, long gone are the days of femininity itself.

The only "women" my generation of men have to look forward to are liberal feminist sluts who have an axe to grind against everything and anything even remotely associated with traditional femininity, male pleasure, and the family unit.

So in light of said facts, the question inevitably arises: Why? Why should traditional men like myself still strive toward marriage when the women have become so utterly repulsive? So that they can divorce us and take all of our stuff the moment we lose our value to them? So that they can deprive us of our God-given right to see our children? So that they can trap us in a sexless marriage where they make no effort whatsoever to look attractive for us and/or gratify our desires?

Look At it From Our Perspective...

The Reason Why I Have Lost All Faith in Marriage

This is not what traditional men want. This is not what men like myself want. More than that, this is not a fair recompense for all of the expectations that are placed upon our shoulders. Try to look at it from my perspective: I am a young 20 year old male who is saving my virginity until marriage. Modern society has made this extremely difficult with the introduction of higher education, meaning that marriage is not even possible until we are like 25. Therefore men like myself have to maintain our virginity for an even longer time than men in the olden days had to. Worse still, modern society has introduced a culture of promiscuity where sexual deviancy is the norm, and you are alienated as some sort of abnormal weirdo if you do not go along with it.

The worst yet? Practically no female is waiting until marriage anymore. Most of today's women have become promiscuous and/or lost their virginity long before their wedding night.

Long gone are the days when I could expect for my wife to be a virgin the night of our wedding. Yet as a Christian man, I am still obligated to maintain my own virginity until marriage. And this is perhaps THE most frustrating part of being a traditional male in the 21st century. It is that we no longer have anything good to look forward to for doing the right thing. Essentially we have to make peace with the fact that the entire world around us is having sex when we cannot, and even if we maintain our virginity until marriage as is expected of us, our wives will most likely not be virgins.

In other words, we have to settle for 'damaged goods' and 'leftovers.' We have to live with the pain of knowing that the only reason our wives are with us is because they have finally decided to settle down.

And this is perhaps the most emasculating and defeating feeling imaginable. It is as if we have gotten the short end of the stick, the shitty part of the deal. We made so much of an effort to maintain our virginity, treat women with respect, and make our mothers proud. Yet in the end, we will always just be the unlucky fools stupid enough to take these women in at the end. We will always just be their insurance plan. Their hearts will always truly lie with Chad Thundercock. We will always be the "Nice Guys" whom they ignored all their life until they got heartbroken by Chad, because women are unfair like that: they sleep only with the men who treat them like shit but otherwise make good guys work harder to get sex. Even worse? They have the audacity to claim that it is because they "care" about us, as if we should be "honored" that they want something more than just sex.

The Reason Why I Have Lost All Faith in Marriage

Sorry, but it is true. It is bullshit, for lack of a better term. And while not all women are like this, the fact of the matter remains that the majority of women are because our society itself has been corrupted by modernity and the liberal ideals of the European Enlightenment.

Getting to the Crux of the Matter...

Men like myself are finally beginning to wake up to the fact that marriage no longer offers us the benefits that we expected to gain from it. We are tired of living in a gynocentric society where we are entitled to absolutely nothing. We are tired of still being expected to fulfill our gender's traditional obligations while no longer being entitled to any of the traditional benefits or awards.

No more double standards. If women no longer have to abide by their gender's traditional roles and obligations, then neither do men such as myself. NO MORE EXPECTATIONS WITHOUT ENTITLEMENTS! If you want me to be a man like my grandfather, then I want the entitlements traditionally afforded to my grandfather as well. As it is, marriage no longer offers us any benefit whatsoever.

#1) Women No Longer Abide by Traditional Gender Roles: Yet, they still expect for us to abide by ours via working hard, fatherhood, going off to war, and being pillars of masculinity. This is a double standard. I am not going to fulfill my obligations unless women reciprocate.

#2) Women No Longer Saving their Virginity Until Marriage: Yet, I am still expected to do the same, honor women, and make my mother proud. More than that, I am still expected to grant them the honor traditionally afforded to a good and chaste wife. Bullshit. I do not want to marry a slut.

#3) Women No Longer Submitting to their Husbands: Yet, husbands are still expected to provide for them, take care of them, and prove their worth to marry them. If women can have so many expectations, why not the man? Why is it so wrong for me to expect a submissive wife?

#4) A Divorce Court that is Completely Stacked Against Us: Marriage is a greater risk for men. This is indisputable. Nearly 50% of marriages end in divorce and 70% of those divorces are initiated by the woman. Furthermore, most of them are no-fault. Yet, the divorce court still favors the woman, forcing the man to forfeit nearly all of his assets AND lose custody of his children.

This is why I have lost all faith in marriage. It no longer offers me any of the benefits traditionally afforded to men such as myself. Liberalism effectively destroyed any incentive that good, traditional men have to marry. This is why I oppose modernity. This is why I detest the European Enlightenment. This is why I am convinced that liberalism is the cancer of Western civilization. It completely destroyed everything I ever hoped to accomplish.

The Reason Why I Have Lost All Faith in Marriage
Post Opinion