My girlfriend rarely compliments my muscular-ness but everytime she she's someone on tv or in person she says 'he's big him'?

I got insanely into bodybuilding when we got together and I dtarted to gain wuite abit of muscle (not trying to be big headed).

a year and a half ago I measured my arms and I had 17.5 inch arms (I've gained abit more muscle since then).

but she always says how muscular other men are but she hardly saying anything like that to me, the only time she compliments me its sometimes when I take my pants off (She loves my tighs... quads)

not only the compliments... I remember her saying 'I'm not the biggest guy in the world (which is obviously) because she wanted to go home and her male friend was chatting her up over the phone and I said I was gonna knock him out and she said 'you don't know his strength ', 'I don't want you to get hurt' 'you're not the biggest guy in the world'

why does she never compliment me in a muscular way?
My girlfriend rarely compliments my muscular-ness but everytime she she's someone on tv or in person she says 'he's big him'?
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