Do you think when women complain of not being approached, they are lying?

A lot of women complain that guys don't notice them, or only go after the hot women. A lot of women say that they don't get apporached, guys overlook them, can't get a date and find it difficult in finding a man. But, do you think that is necessarily true. ?

What do you guys thinks?

On average in reality a women has heaps of guys apporaching her, doing things for her and basically going out of their way to invite her to events. Yet, if these guys aren't super hot, rich, or charismatic enough , she will not deem their attempts at woohing her over as a legitamite approach, or attempt by the opposite sex to form a relationship with her.

This can be sumed up quite nicely in this picture:

Do you think when women complain of not being approached, they are lying ?

From a male perspective: A woman has plenty of suitors, but they are looked at as invisible in her eyes.
Do you think when women complain of not being approached, they are lying?
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