A promise ring after 3 months?

Is it inappropriate for my boyfriend and I to have promise rings after only 3 1/2 months? We've known eachother for two years, dated for a few months last year, and have had a long time to grow and strengthen our friendship. We've loved eachother for a long time, but neither of us were ready for a commitment until recently (three months ago). The time that we've had since we tried a relationship last year allowed our friendship and feelings to mature. I know three months may not feel like vey much, but something about this relationship feels so right. I've had a handful of other relationships, some lasting 6+ months, and I have never felt the way I feel now before. We know we're way too young for engagement, but thought this would be a good compromise to help provide us with a physical promise to eachother that we'll stay loyal and committed to a future together. Is this a ridiculous idea for people who have only been "together" for three months?
A promise ring after 3 months?
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