How feminism benefits males (A look at feminism from a different angle)

Here is how feminism is good for you and YES it affects your life.
I'm making this take short and concise.

How feminism benefits males ( A look at feminism from a different angle)

How feminism benefits males (A look at feminism from a different angle)

A feminist mother describing how her upbringing of her boys made them see females equally as human and not sub-human hopefully this will also make them see others from different races and socio-economic backgrounds as equal.

How feminism benefits males (A look at feminism from a different angle)

“I used to think raising boys would be easy, comparatively. At least they’re growing up in a world that regards them as the default human being. But god, what a threadbare version of humanity we’re setting before them, one in which they’re not even encouraged to see personhood in women and girls.”


A study by Rutgers University:

“The study also found that feminist men & women reported higher quality and more stable relationships than their non-feminist counterparts. This study has thus brought on questions as to why feminism is tied with better sex and relationships. One theory is that feminist males are typically more supportive of their female partner's ambitions and goals than more traditional men.”

• Women who perceive their male partners as feminists reported greater sexual satisfaction.
• Men with feminist partners reported they had greater sexual satisfaction.

The juicy bits:

1. Splitting bills in a household and in dates of course (Going Dutch)

2. You can have more bedhair days you don`t have to be looking dashing all the time you can rock the (cave man look) more

3. Being the white knight and chivalrous no more need for that. Opening doors and giving up your seat it will make your life a bit easier won't it?( But you should still be helpful and courteous to your fellow human beings)

4. Extra expenses buying flowers and chocolate etc before dates. More money to spend on yourself (kerching)

5. You are Hot and rare commodity in women’s eyes you scored your self some bonus points (easy attraction booster)

6. Feminists are less likely to be golddiggers and have a strong determination of brining success to themselves (no more sleepless nights thinking she’s after your money)

7. Burden of war doesn’t only fall on men (women soldiers taking some bullets also)

8. A women given her rights is less likely to be bitter (Less moaning and more enjoying each others company)

How feminism benefits males (A look at feminism from a different angle)

How feminism benefits males (A look at feminism from a different angle)
Post Opinion