Some inconvenient truths about the Oregon shooting, for those who've been had

Some inconvenient truths about the Oregon shooting, for those who've been had

It appals me how many blindly and obediently bleet out whatever Barry and the Fifth Columnists tell them to. And how many Europeans are so ignorant about their own history as to think disarming civilians more and more will magically make the world a safter place. Earth is not Disneyworld. Ah, screw it.

It's as if we all choose to forget that what Obama is calling for is the very thing that made the mass graves in Iraq, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, Armenia, et. al. possible.

In Switzerland, they arm themselves heartily. Citizens are all but required to own guns. The violent crime rate in Switzerland? What violent crime?

Oh, you say, but America is different! Different how? On at least 12 occassions, the solution to a bad guy with a gun has been...*drum roll*...a good guy with a gun.

But I'm not done yet!

When is the last time you saw meth sold in stores?

Never? So why can't our laws eradicate meth? Because evil is as evil does. And you will never eradicate meth simply by writing more meth laws. So what in the devil blazes convinces you that guns work that way? Nothing more than totalitarians that don't want you to be able to defend yourself from their death panels, that's what convinces you.

Moreover, have you ever noticed that the homicide rate due to abortion - both mother and child - is astronomically higher than the gun murder rate?

You know what else kills more often than guns?

Knives. Hammers. Cyanide. Garrote wires. Ropes. Duct tape. Bare hands. Rocks. Slip-and-fall accidents. Medical malpractice - including the government-mandated kind, which is what Obamacare essentially is. In fact, up to 60 times the likelihood your loved ones will die from bad medicine as from a gun-wielding maniac. Remember the VA scandal, anyone? Or did you block that out?

Whom do the Rockefellers and Obamas and Soroses and global banksters and what-not say guns should be taken away from most?

Responsible Americans. Regular church-goers that don't spend all their spare time fornicating and bragging about it. Regular joes that get angry when they catch their news outlets in the act of fabricating a story.

Who commits the most gun crime?

- Angry black guys who are taught in screwl that the world owes them everything, because their great-great grandparents may have been slaves. (But how would they know? When did any of them visit to verify?)

So why not take everything by force, even from those who did nothing to them? Propaganda kills.

- Deranged homosexual activists like Floyd Corkins. But that's okay, because LGBT can do no wrong according to the regime. Except become ex-gay. That kind of "apostacy" isn't tolerated. But I digress.

- Gang-bangers of any category. Because tribalism is the evil gift that keeps on giving, even in the 21st century.

- Islamic whackos

- Drug-addled teenage boys who have been taught socialism their whole lives and imbued with anti-Christian bigotry. Or in the case of that kid in Tenessee, just drug-addled.

- Men (like Jared Loughner) who smoke more weed than seems physically possible. Seriously, you don't need that much.

Time to do a little history lesson.

And I don't care if history is not your favorite subject.

1. The Oregon shooter was wanted in Russia for his behavior there. Don't expect CNN to make a big deal of it though. Nor Fox News, for that matter. Terror watch list.

2. Obama was still angry that Putin won't let LGBTs rape and abduct children while prancing around nude and lewd in Russian streets. So in the interests of LGBT "rights," (children's rights be damned!), Barry took petty revenge by ignoring Putin's warnings that the shooter was a threat to public safety. Don't you just hate it when Putin comes out looking like the good guy? Me too.

3. Obama therefore ordered the CIA and INTERPOL to stand down, and let the shooter do his thing. To let him on American soil, in spite being on a Russian terror watch list. "Not politically viable to do anything." Crock of horse.

4. The community college cared more about its "gun-free zone" policy than about saving lives. A good guy with a gun volunteered to stop the shooter before the body count could add up. The college wouldn't allow him to act. Letting bodies hit the floor for political purposes was just too important. False flag, anyone?

5. Obama didn't even wait for the bodies to cool, before blaming the victims' beliefs for the attack. Anyone else smell a rat?

6. We're supposed to believe a regime that tells us we can't be allowed to defend ourselves with guns, when it gives nukes to Iran and says they can totally be trusted, in spite chanting every single day how much they want to kill us?

If you're not at least questioning the left's mantra by now, you're beyond salvation.

PS - The media putting whiteface on the shooter's image before broadcast: racism, much?

PPS - This is supposed to be a society and culture topic, not a sexual one. Wish the filters on this site were a little smarter.

Some inconvenient truths about the Oregon shooting, for those who've been had
Post Opinion