A Resolution To Remember...

A big hello to all you studmuffins out there! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. With New Year's coming up, I would like to share this myTake with you.

Losing weight, going to the gym, doing your homework... Most of you have probably heard these resolutions or even made them. But, we also know that it can be tough to keep them throughout the year. I have got a much better idea, that actually automatically ensures you will keep all of those other resolutions. Bear with.

A Resolution To Remember...

I used to doubt my actions. A. LOT. Didn't matter if it was texting a guy I like or having to do a presentation in front of the class or entering a competition. I used to think: Should I send the message or is that the WORST idea ever?/ I am so nervous, what if it goes wrong? / Is it good enough? I hope I can win with this.

Then I realised this had to STOP. I am a confident person and I know what my strenghts are. I started thinking...

I should do what I want to do and not let anything stop me.

Everyone in class has to do a presentation and everyone survives it. Hell, I've had to do quite a few in my life and I'm still here writing this. Nobody actually cares that much or is that critical as you are of yourself. Then I thought, are the other students better than I am? The answer was 'no'. I know I can do it (even do a GREAT job), so why should I worry?

If I enter a competition, I must think on some level that I CAN win it or I wouldn't have even bothered joining the thing. In stead of worrying if what I wrote is good enough, I should write something so amazing that I am GOING to win!

Now, you may or may not find these situations relatable, but this winner's mentality can be used for EVERYTHING in your life. If you want to achieve something, YOU SHOULD. If you know you are capable of something, DON'T DOUBT YOURSELF. And if you want to do something, whether big or small, DON'T LET ANYTHING HOLD YOU BACK.

It just isn't worth it.

A Resolution To Remember...

I hope this myTake inspired you, I wish you all a wonderful and successful NEW YEAR!!

A Resolution To Remember...
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