Ten Reasons You Should Celebrate Valentine's Day!

Ten Reasons You Should Celebrate Valentine's Day!

1. You Claim to Celebrate love and Valentine's Day 365 Days a year

A lot of people make the argument that love shouldn't just be celebrated one day a year, but I don't find too many people who ONLY celebrate their love on Valentine's day. I whole heartedly agree that it should be a 365 thing, but if you're going to say it should be celebrated everyday, Valentine's Day is in actuality...one of those days in the year, so by your own logic, you should be celebrating Valentine's day and love this day too right!

2. It's only ever just a big old commercial holiday if you buy into that

Taking a stroll in the park with a loved one or friend, crafting a handmade card, cooking a nice dinner are just some of the things anyone with little to no money can do on Valentine's Day. It's the same situation with things like Christmas. If you get it into your head that the only way to give your partner or friends a nice Valentine's Day is to spend every last cent you have on giant teddy bears and huge bouquets of flowers, perhaps you are missing the point. There are lots of ways to say I love you and that you care about someone or people in your life without it being about huge dramatic gestures or commerical only gifts.

Ten Reasons You Should Celebrate Valentine's Day!

3. Most likely you don't have to spend the day with family

What other holidays do you get to enjoy without having to clean your house from top to bottom, plan for 30 other people, deal with screaming babies that aren't your own, cousins with strange food allergies, or deal with grandparents who think you could do better in life? Valentine's day is about spending some real quality time with one a few people you really actually do want to spend some quality time with for longer than a few hours. You go all out and completely crazy for your family, but just a dinner for two, and you freak out? And this is the person who cares for you when you're sick, drives you to work, pretends to like your jokes? You should never feel forced to spend more quality time with them. I mean, even if you have kids, you can send them away with those same nagging grandparents so you can enjoy some one on one time with your SO.

4. You complain about the world going to hell in a hand basket

We live in some crazy times. Sure every generation says that, but it's not any more or less true now, then it was then, but of all the things to rally against, and dislike, and put down, 'hating' a day that is to be about love and celebrating your partner seems counter intuitive to celebrating the good things in life. Tomorrow, you or your friends or your partner's entire world could change, there are no guarantees, so spending the day about love and being more mindful of it, could be really good for you and your mindset.

Ten Reasons You Should Celebrate Valentine's Day!

5. Think about what will make someone else happy

Men and women do a lot of things we don't neccessarily want to do or wouldn't do if we were just by ourselves because we care about someone else. Instead of complaining how much you hate Valentine's Day to a partner who loves it, why not think about what would make them happy. Sometime this year, they will do something for you that they would rather not do because they do infact love you and it's important or meaningful for you to have them there with you or to participate in something.

6. Love has many meanings

Hearts and flowers can be one meaning, but love isn't just about a fancy hotel rental or a carriage ride at sunset, it can mean giving back and showing you care for people in other ways. Make your Valentine's day, a day of volunteerism and good deeds. There are several people who never get to hear it or are away from loved ones or don't feel love from other people...shut-ins, soldiers, the homeless, those in hospital care, foster children, and on and on. Show your heart on Valentine's Day too, by doing some good for the world and putting more love out into the world by volunteering, writing cards or sending care packages to soldiers, sitting and talking to those in hospice care, or taking someone out to eat who has recently lost a spouse and may be feeling really lonely.

Ten Reasons You Should Celebrate Valentine's Day!

7. An excuse to have sex

The laws of sex clearly state that you can get some on your birthday and Valentine's day. Come on, can you really hate this one?!?

8. Every holiday is made up...so what

If this is your only excuse or reason behind not celebrating Valentine's Day, then by all means don't celebrate any of the holidays. Every single holiday....every...single...holiday...is made up and/or it's original meaning has changed since it's inception. These holidays are a break from the mundane, from the ordinary, from doing the same old, same old and a time to be creative, to celebrate joy, laughter, love and most importantly, being with the ones you love be it friend or lover.

Ten Reasons You Should Celebrate Valentine's Day!

9. If you're single, be ready to mingle

Even if you don't end up finding your soul mate or hooking up on Valentine's Day, it's called discounts or free admission to clubs, bars, restaurants, events, not to mention all the Valentine's Day related sales going on for even stuff that has nothing to do with love day. Take advantage and just enjoy the day by yourself or with a gaggle of your friends.

10. Soak it all in

If anything, at the end of the day, Valentine's is one day a year to celebrate love, being loved, giving love, and receiving love. Define what that means for you, show your love how you want to show it whether you're a big dramatic person who goes all out with hearts, and flowers, and huge suprises, or you simply spend a nice quiet evening at home Netflixing and chilling with a group of your friends. Valentine's is like all the other holidays---everyone has an opinion on how it should be done, but you make your own way and your path as to how you would like to do it and express your love for your friends, family, or love of your life; use this day along with all the rest, to do that.

Ten Reasons You Should Celebrate Valentine's Day!
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