Being Self Aware: Holding Yourself Accountable.

Being Self Aware: Holding Yourself Accountable.<br />

I wrote a myTake awhile ago titled "Men, You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. So what are you suppose to do?". I got a varity of opinions on there and that includes ones that were negative. Some called my gender into question and one called my mental sanity into question and they are all entitled to their opinions. However, I want to explain why I wrote that and what my main goal was. So, that's what I'm going to write about today.

What inspired that myTake?

What inspired it was a question by a guy asking about what he should do because he's girlfriend was mad at him. He apparently complimented her to make her feel better and it upset her and girls that answered his question said too many compliments are "creepy". I (as well as a few others) couldn't understand how a compliment could possibly be creepy. So, my lack of understandering that and wanting to understand that theory better, is what inspired me to write that.

Why not just write about that, then?

Because, that's just one of many things I've heard or read that guys do wrong. So, from an observers stand point and my abilty to put my self in another persons shoes, I wanted to know how men ultimatly handle being wrong no matter what. I just wanted to know.

Why did I mention myself in that myTake then?

Because, I said I wasn't trying to bash women and I wanted to explain how I'm not immune to the emotional roller coasters that us women can be but that I'm self aware enough to realize my faults and not blame random people for my bad reactions.

What was my main goal then? And, what's my main goal now?

Aside from a better understanding of things, my other goal was letting women see how men might actually feel damed and to have them maybe take accountability for the way that they act, at times. That's also my goal now and what I want to talk about now, self accountability.

Being Self Aware: Holding Yourself Accountable.

See, I think people aren't ever truly held responsible for things by others. Which if no one else holds you responsible for anything, how would you be able to hold yourself responsible? Far too many people get away with far too many things and it's why people are the way they are, no accountability.

This, is especially true for women. I'm not now nor have I ever implied that I think men are saints or that they don't do anything wrong. Men are human too, so of course they are flawed, make mistakes and some treat women badly. Here's the difference though, the amount of negative things you hear to describe a man (just in general), is far greater than when describing women.

Men are always "men are players" men are liars" men only think about and want sex" "men are emotionless" So on and so fourth.

Women are always "sugar and spice and everything nice" "women are innocent and pure" "women are nurturting and kind" So on and so fourth.

So, with the negative stigma already over guys, women are just generally cautious because they believe all this to be true. Which leaves no room for a guy to get away with much because one little off thing and she's automatically suspious of him because she was (for lack of a better word) trained to be that way. Which means guys are always held accountable for their wrong doings and things they don't even do wrong. Which in turn leaves men to hold themselves and other men responsible for the things they do wrong and feel are wrong.

With women having so much positivity to describe them, it makes it quite easy for women to get anyway with just about anything and no one say's a thing about it. No one talks about the bad things they can do, just the good. So, when you bring the bad to peoples attention they automatically defend women and get upset, because women can do no wrong. With all that female solidarity and people making excuses for them and no one calling them out for certain things, they don't feel they are ever wrong and so they never feel accountable for anything. Which, is a big problem.

I guess that was one of my other main reasons for writing that take, to have women see how ridiculous they can be at times and hopefully draw attention to that for them. So, next time they act in unreasonable way they can understand were it actually comes from, instead of blaming it on some guy that said "hi" to them. I think self awareness and accountbility are good things to have as a person. It's good to understand yourself and where your negative reaction to things, comes from. That way you can find a way change it, control it and take accountability for it when it happens.

So, that ladies and genetlemen is why I wrote what I wrote. A better understanding of something and bringing self awareness to people. Nothing wrong with that in my book. I apologize if this is at all rambly but hopefully my point was made anyway. Thanks for listening.

Being Self Aware: Holding Yourself Accountable.
Post Opinion