Freedom of Speech Does Not Mean Freedom From Consequences

Freedom of Speech does not mean Freedom From Consequences.

Some people have this crazy idea that just because we have freedom of speech that it means that you can say what ever you want and not face criticism for it.

Like this story for example.

Some might say that what she posted on social media is protected under the first amendment and therefore prohibits her from being fired.

THOSE PEOPLE ARE WRONG; You see; You see just because the law protects a persons right to be, Racist, Homophobic, Sexist, etc. Does not mean that you can say what ever you want and expect.

You see your employer or other person dealing with this bullshit also has a right to decide that, its not good for business to have its employees posting racist tirades on facebook. A school has an obligation to make all students feel safe, if a teacher is casually racist in their social media, the school has every right to fire them.

Freedom of Speech Does Not Mean Freedom From Consequences

You see thats not unconstitutional thats whats called consequences. If you are an adult and think the constitution protects you from consequences from your actions. Then you are a pretty pathetic individual.

Furthermore, When someone says that they should be able to say whatever they want without being labeled as, 'Homophobic' or 'Sexist' or anything else. They are being immature. While the First Amendment does protect your ability to say stupid shit. It only does that so the government cannot prosecute you for it. Now if the large majority of people are calling you 'Homophobic' or 'Sexist' or anything else derisively. They are also exercising their right to free speech by calling you on your bullshit.

In conclusion, You can say what you want but don't expect to not face consequences for it if what you say is racist or homophobic.

Freedom of Speech Does Not Mean Freedom From Consequences

Freedom of Speech Does Not Mean Freedom From Consequences
Post Opinion