Why I Vehemently Oppose "Black Lives Matter"

You will all also recall I was predicting amped up violence months ago in a prior mytake three months ago... as usual, all sensitive people click away now and save your souls. If you can watch a horror movie without being freaked out, my takes should be okay for you to read.


So. Why do I vehemently oppose "Black Lives Matter" or as I like to say, "Black Lives Matter"? Because it's not about lives, it's about a narrative. It's an excuse for political violence and a demand for lawlessness. And it edges us closer to a bloody race war that would be pretty.

1. It's not about Lives, it's about the Narrative! (And don't mention that awkward moment when most people killed by cops are white...)

Many people looked at this and were emotional and traumatized. I looked at it and realized:

A. This woman is amazingly calm and collected.

B. She's right next to her beloved who's bleeding out.

C. Instead of trying to console him or put pressure on his wounds, she's busy facebook streaming and setting a narrative so she can sue later. She can't "prove" what happened because no one had a camcorder going when shots were fired. For all we know, the Cop was dressed like Jason the serial killer and stabbed him, Or Philip Castile gave a joker laugh and challenged the cop to a quick draw! People saw the video and acted like the facts were established 100% immediately. Just a full on execution by the side of the road. Later more facts emerged, like Castile had a handgun in his lap and the cop and told him not to move. But who cares? It's the narrative!


Simple, another example would be Saint. Michael Brown. Seen here spreading racial justice to a racist Indian gas station clerk.

Another wonderful black saint. Murdered by police for walking. That's the narrative. That's what Ferguson was burning over. No one cared about any details. No one cared that a man who just robbed a gas station (and that's what that is) might have attacked a cop who showed up a few minutes later. Nor did anyone care if Forensics said Mike Brown's blood was on the inside door of the cop car... because racciss cops be killing da brotha! It's about the narrative of the poor black men being slaughtered by police!


Another simple example is Freddie Grey. The narrative is he was a poor black man murdered by racist police. The reality is that Freddie Grey, the career drug dealer, died in custody of three black cops/three white cops... in a city with a majority non white police force both at foot level and commanding level... with a majority black city council... and a black female democrat mayor. And yes, their schools get a very nice amount of funding. Go look it up.

Oh, and Black Lives Matter supporters like to chant about how blacks make up a disproportionately large amount of people killed by police. I don't doubt that's true, that far more than 13% of people killed by police are black. See, blacks commit a highly disproportionate about of violent crime. According to FBI statistics, blacks and whites commit nearly the same amount of murders... not per 100,000. Overall, 63% white America and 13% black America commit almost the same amount of homicides on average. Just as white people aren't 63% of people killed by police, they don't commit 63% of homicide in the USA. I would link to it for ya, but sadly the FBI links have gone dead... not sure why. https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2014/crime-in-the-u.s.-2014

2. It's an excuse for Political Violence and a Demand for Lawlessness!

Why I Vehemently Oppose "Black Lives Matter"

And black people wonder why whites don't like living near them hahaha. Apparently diversity really does mean "chasing down the last white person!"


Simple reality is that violent Black Lives Matter riots/protests, such as in Chicago, have been simply building up to allowing more political violence against any whites who dare disagree, with the local police too afraid to get involved for fear they will end up on youtube, getting death threats with rallies scheduled demanding their heads. This is going to end bloodily for blacks, and whites won't be happy campers either.

Black Lives Matter doesn't care what the excuse is to protest. A registered sex offender with a history of violent crime dies going for an illegal handgun? RIOT! Thanks, St. Sterling!

Some black girls claim, with zero evidence, that they were literally smacked and called racial slurs on a bus? PROTEST! Thanks Albany girls, you even got Hillary Clinton to tweet for you! Too bad she didn't tweet about you getting arrested for the scam.


But hey, it was sweet innocent black girls claiming evil white devils had attacked them. We don't need no facts or evidence, because the hell with them white devils!

Why I Vehemently Oppose "Black Lives Matter"

3. It edges us much closer to mass racial violence.

Why I Vehemently Oppose "Black Lives Matter"

Let's be real. When you have a group flat out preaching that their people are enslaved, when you have... tan? Celebrities like Jessie Williams practically preaching for race war (I am kind of amazed they let white guys like Jesse Williams into BET awards now though, Kudos for that.), when you have preachers like Farrakhan or BLM leaders claiming police are out looking for blacks to murder... you get some results. It's a big country and you only need a few matches to start a fire.

Why do I not equate Dylan Roof to Micah X? (that's his rifle pictured above.) Simple.

When Louis Farrakhan is on youtube screaming "STALK THEM AND KILL THEM AND LET THEM FEEL DEATH!" Or you have BLM marchers screaming "PIGS IN A BLANKET FRY "EM LIKE BACON!" Apologies aren't demanded by the public, nor are they forthcoming. Hell, when BLM marchers ran into a Dartmouth Library and started screaming racial slurs and assault white students... the Campus apologized to the BLM people for the bad press. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/nov/17/dartmouth-official-apologizes-to-black-lives-matte/

Meanwhile, when Donald Trump says we need to actually enforce immigration laws, he's immediately branded as racist, a dictator wannabe for pointing out how many violent crimes are committed by illegal immigrants.

What happens when another San Jose political violence attack happens, but instead of fleeing and running away... a white guy pulls out a handgun and puts eight rounds into a black or hispanic guy punching him? That will be interesting. Especially since in mob violence situations like that, totality of circumstances and disparity of force comes into play. See, if I'm in a one on one fistfight with a guy, it's one thing. If it's five guys coming at me, it's completely another. Lethal force becomes so much more acceptable.


In total, that's why I vehemently oppose Black Lies Matter. It's about a narrative, not about facts or innocent lives. It's an excuse for political violence from Chicago to San Jose, and a demand for lawlessness from police. Lastly, it pushes us closer to full on racial violence.

Why I Vehemently Oppose "Black Lives Matter"
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