We Face Actual Violence this Election Season...

We Face Actual Violence this Election Season...

Maybe you support Trump. Maybe you don't. Maybe you cheered when angry mobs shut down a Trump rally in Chicago... maybe you were angry.

You should take it as a warning. Maybe you don't even care about the elections, but you should. Something has happened over the last few years--whether it was Trump and "nationalism" or groups like Black Lives Matter and "Racist Police." The simple fact is, violence and law breaking in political purpose has become acceptable again, with even TIME magazine defending it.

The violent protests in Ferguson, Mo., are part of the American experience. Peaceful protesting is a luxury only available to those safely in mainstream culture


I ask you, do you think the impulse to break into violence for political purposes will be restrained to one group? (And no, I'm not talking about idiot sports fans rioting. Police should taser every one of them and arrest them.) Do you think once accepted, American politics will become more peaceful as we approach what divides us even more? When Chicago experienced mobs using illegal action to shut down a political rally they disagreed with, everyone from Fox News to CNN was united in putting the blame... squarely on the fact that Trump makes people dislike him, I guess.

We Face Actual Violence this Election Season...

That, is a quote from a quite high person in Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter might do fine protesting around malls... or storming Dartmouth College and screaming racial slurs at white students...


Chicago has an almost complete ban on firearms. What happens when Black Lives Matter throws a riot in a gun heavy state... oh, do you know who heavily supports Trump? White Males. Who also are the most heavily gun owning demograph. We've already seen what far right protesting and madness looks like--https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/militia-members-occupy-oregon-refuge-vow-stay-years

A militia with ar-15 rifles storming and occupying... a bird refuge. WTF. I'm not even going to pretend I can make real sense of that complete idiocy. If they had stormed a courthouse it would have made for a dramatic shootout drama... a bird refuge? I know the militia must have thought it was serious and noble, somehow. I know local law enforcement must have gotten the calls and been like

We Face Actual Violence this Election Season...

The unfortunate reality, whether you're a Sanders, Clinton, Trump, or Cruz supporter is--the genie has been let out of the bottle, and political violence over the past few years has become celebrated, Ala Ferguson, Baltimore, and now Chicago. (I admit, about 40 cowboys in the desert thought the Bird Refuge thing was noble.) Toss in the militarization of police, and the fact that since the 2012 election and threats of gun control, firearms have sold so well that Ar-15's have gone from cool, high class rifles to inexpensive.

I would encourage all to remember that violence in the name of politics is not the American way... or at least, it is not acceptable. And if decency doesn't motivate you, I hope firearm ownership rates encourage all to stay out of trouble.

And naturally... be careful this election season, and ensure that you don't accidentally walk into a madhouse because you took a wrong turn while running errands. Stay alert and stay sharp.

We Face Actual Violence this Election Season...
Post Opinion