There Are More Things That Signify Wealth Than Money

There Are More Things That Signify Wealth Than Money

When wealth is heard, it is initially perceived as possession of money. I understand where the notion is coming from because money can be imparted for us to obtain items we need and want. This is a widely known connotation wherein the value of cash a person owns is mostly the basis of wealth.

While that's true, little do people know that there is so much to wealth than money.

All of us are wealthy. You might be unconscious that you have earned many things; those things do not need to be tangible to qualify as measurements of wealth.

I firmly believe that wealth does come in intangible forms as well (and this kind of wealth is more significant than the tangible ones) such as the acquisition of other people's trust, memorable experiences, and lessons in life. All of us have something to share. All of us have rights and responsibilities. We all bear and own our respective stories, experiences, achievements in life, skills, relationships, talents, and wisdom. Those signify wealth, for me.

My Take About Wealth

Wealth is simply the abundance of a possession which can be concrete or abstract, can be increased or be decreased, can be honed and be abused, can be obtained through ill-gotten or hard-earned means, can be imparted entirely or partially, and can even be kept to secrecy.

There Are More Things That Signify Wealth Than Money

Wealth can benefit and destroy anything in accordance to the owner's liking. When it comes to benefit, this is when milestones in learning are attained healthily and wealth is much more preserved for life. When it comes to destruction, this is when conflicts would arise whether the nature would be intrapersonal (conflict concerning one's self) or interpersonal (environment-caused conflicts as well as conflicts concerning topic, people, and communicative setting).

Wealth in Terms of Health

There Are More Things That Signify Wealth Than Money

Health pretty much encompasses the overall state of well-being of a person. This tackles physical health and mental health.

Physical health and mental health are both essential to be the source of a person's capability to participate in life's hurdles: earning money, attaining good grades, maintaining healthy relationships, making sound decisions, etc.

Both can both be attained through:

1. Following a balanced diet plan for food;

There Are More Things That Signify Wealth Than Money

2. Exercise;

There Are More Things That Signify Wealth Than Money

3. Having adequate hours allotted for sleep;

There Are More Things That Signify Wealth Than Money

4. Being optimistic, and;

There Are More Things That Signify Wealth Than Money

5. Having respect for one's self.

There Are More Things That Signify Wealth Than Money

As for me, I primarily base one's physical health on the immunity of a person to transmittable diseases. Healthy aesthetics come in second because looks can be deceiving and sometimes the severe health conditions aren't manifested outside.

Wealth in Terms of Tangible Possessions

a) Day-to-Day Necessities

You are wealthy enough if you have the things you need for your body's health. I call most of them as physiological needs for they are needed for survival: healthy food, potable water, durable shelter, fresh air, clothing, toiletries, pampering solutions, first aid kit, etc.

There Are More Things That Signify Wealth Than Money
There Are More Things That Signify Wealth Than Money

b) Sentimental possessions

You may have an abundance of souvenirs, gifts, letters from friends, and the latest gadgets. You can even share the nostalgia by letting others view those stuff! Those are other variations of tangible wealth because you, the owner, has spent time taking care of them. Plus, memories come with the things you treasure the most.

There Are More Things That Signify Wealth Than Money
There Are More Things That Signify Wealth Than Money

Wealth in Terms of Ethics

a) In Social Interaction

I see a person to be wealthy in terms of social interaction when one is in good terms with everybody by ethical means.

You don't have to be famous to be rich in social interaction. What matters is the essence of interacting with everyone: bringing out the good and best in you and the best in your peers.

Otherwise, a person that is in good terms with everybody by bad influence is technically rich in social interaction but it would be senseless since it is negatively rooted and is no way enhancing one's self and one's peers.

There Are More Things That Signify Wealth Than Money

b) Confidence

Confidence is everyone's kind of abstract wealth because it is the initiator in showing what you've got without bringing others down.

There Are More Things That Signify Wealth Than Money

Wealth from Mental Acuity

Mental acuity is sharpness of the mind. Things considered in determining a person's mental acuity are memory, focus, concentration, and understanding.

An elderly person with Alzheimer's has decreasing mental acuity. -

I have come up to the realization that our mental acuity can guarantee us knowledge and wisdom.

a) Knowledge

There Are More Things That Signify Wealth Than Money

Knowledge is wealth for it is commonly acquired from us. Likewise, knowledge is sought by us. An inquiry such as, "What would the teacher do tomorrow?" and a command such as, "Tell me the people who have tried courting her," would prompt you to share what you know about every subject.

Simply put, knowledge is wealth for it is an asset; an asset is something within your domain and possession. The wealth thereof would be entirely dependent to the owner's initiative to learn.

Your abundant knowledge denotes your awareness of varied information.

Let us face it: a person would be more likely to be concerned and well-rounded if everything would be within his knowledge. With that said, a person's involvement in his own learning experience would be greatly induced by his knowledge and interest in pursuing learning.

Knowledge plays its role when it is used for one's interest, whether intended for mistreatment or benevolence. A person taking advantage of information for the sake of the downfall of others uses knowledge in a malignant manner. A person who reaches out to people by imparting knowledge is benevolent.

b) Wisdom

There Are More Things That Signify Wealth Than Money

Wisdom is the outcome and the treasure that comes with experience with the use of knowledge, common sense, intuition, and discernment of right and wrong.

I sincerely believe that all people gain wisdom as their perceptions become well-rounded regardless of age and sex. One's year of existence should not necessarily determine whether a person is wise or not.

Wealth in Terms of Psychomotor Prowess

Talents and Skills

There Are More Things That Signify Wealth Than Money

There Are More Things That Signify Wealth Than Money

There Are More Things That Signify Wealth Than Money

Our talents and skills somehow give people clues pertaining to who we are as persons. They make us distinct, iconic, and memorable; thus, it's another asset of ours and is our wealth.

Guess what? All of us have them!

Each one of us has something to unleash. All of us are proficient in one skill that some are deficient at the skill.

Enrichment of talents and the development of skills need to be facilitated by holistic formation of values and are, of course, at our expense-- time, effort, resources, sacrifices, etc.

Your talents and skills are wealth because they're yours and no one can take those away from you.

So, think again. Does money totally define a person's wealth?

There Are More Things That Signify Wealth Than Money
11 Opinion