3 Main Reasons I Qualify as a Feminist

Emma Watson recently spoke to the UN about gender equality.

3 Main Reasons I Qualify as a Feminist

One criticism by Ron Liddle of the British Sun called her speech "worthless...whining, leftie, PC crap."

I am a traditionalist. I love traditional gender roles (though i don't impose them on others). Much like Watson, who expresses women may be strengthened by strong university experiences, It took me attending an all women's to realize most of us, even those who claim to hate them, are feminists.

1. Women should vote

3 Main Reasons I Qualify as a Feminist

When I was younger I thought being a feminist meant I'd have to protest or be militant. A woman's study professor pointed out it came down to one question. Do you think women should vote? If you say yes, then you are indeed a feminist. As simple as that. Why should women vote? Having a say is in fact one of our greatest rights on the U.S. or abroad.

2. I support reproductive rights

3 Main Reasons I Qualify as a Feminist

A huge misconception on reproductive rights is it's all about abortion. And I will not deny that NOW, the national organization of women, has successfully argued court cases to make sure women have the right to obtain an abortion.

I will say as a medical health professional in an inner city hospital, approximately 50% of abortions or D and E's given were not for choice but because the fetus was already dead upon examination. Without an abortion offered these 50% of women would have to wait 4 months with a dead baby inside them and give birth to it. But I understand abortion is more about religion and I'd rather not debate that...

However, what are your feelings on birth control in general? From the pill to the female condom? Does a woman have the right to dictate if she gets pregnant? Should abstinence be her only option?

When Margaret Sanger invented the birth control pill in 1929 she did so because she had studied that many women did not enjoy sex because of the fear of pregnancy. Her creation was so that women could enjoy sex as much according to her own words. If you believe a woman should enjoy sex as much as a man you are indeed a feminist.

3. I believe women should bake and raise babies and sew

3 Main Reasons I Qualify as a Feminist

If they choose. One of the biggest American myths is that a feminist has to be a lesbian who hates men (just fyi, I have several lesbian friends and one sister and sister in law and to my knowledge none of them hate men. They just choose not to reproduce with them). She must be in a male dominated industry. She must wear pants and no makeup. These are all lies.

Feminism is about having a choice! We can choose to bake meals from scratch every day and feed our husband and children like a Norman Rockwell painting if that is what WE want. Or...we can get a job and support ourselves. We aren't forced nor are we slaves. Which is one reason why NOW is pne of the biggest U.S. advocates of anti violence against women.

But it is about choice. Do you like people telling you you cannot work as an electrician because you are a women? Do you like people telling you you cannot stay at home with your children and raise them? If you answered no to EITHER, you are in fact a feminist.

I know a lot of people feel strongly about this word, but hopefully this has made you consider what the word truly means, before you make a judgement about it.

3 Main Reasons I Qualify as a Feminist
Post Opinion