Dear MGTOWs and Hardcore Feminists...

Dear MGTOWs and Hardcore Feminists...
If you are single, it is your fault, not the entire opposite gender's. You fail at relationships because of yourself and you can't find "the one" because you're not "the one" back. If you want to be happy and successful in life, you need to take responsibility for your actions and be a person worth a relationship first

Nobody took advantage of you

If you're a guy who spent $100 taking a girl out on a first date and she didn't want to take things anything further, you were not taken advantage of; if you're a girl who stayed in an abusive relationship, you were not taken advantage of. Everything you do in dating, marriage, and relationships should be because you care about you, your partner, and your relationship (and kids if you have any). If you didn't want to spend $100 on someone who wasn't interested in you, then you should've taken her to the free city museum; if you stayed in an abusive relationship, that was your fault because you should've left the first time he laid a hand on you

Dear MGTOWs and Hardcore Feminists...

People only take advantage of other people who allow themselves to be taken advantage of, so you should've better protected yourself better in the first place if you feared a certain outcome. If you allow someone to take advantage of you, they will, but if you are clear with boundaries and don't allow bad behavior, nobody will be able to use you. If you feel underappreciated in a relationship, then you need to discuss things with your partner before things get out of hand. At a certain point, this disparage comes down to incompatibility, and the best thing is to end the relationship rather than continue with something that will only get worse

Dear MGTOWs and Hardcore Feminists...

Not all women are gold-diggers/not all men are misogynists

Quit it with the absolutes. Yes there are more than a few bad apples out there, but that doesn't mean all men are pigs, cheaters, or assholes, and that doesn't mean all women are liars, manipulative, or whores. If you dated someone for a month, a year, a decade...and he/she was the worst person you ever met, then that means you had a bought of bad luck in ending up with a bad apple, but that does not mean every other dating prospect out there is exactly the same and it does not mean that you're going to have the same experience with another partner

Dear MGTOWs and Hardcore Feminists...

Absolutes are deadly in relationships, both when it comes to initiating one and when it comes to maintaining one. Not only is having an absolute mentality bad for you, but it is also bad for your partner. Top relationship psychologists will tell you the best way to tell if a couple will break up is to see if a couple uses absolutes while arguing or not--couples who use absolutes like "You never put the dishes in the dishwasher" or "You're always nagging at me" are bound for serious problems in a relationship while those who don't tend to stay together much longer. It's no stretch to assume anyone who blames all men or all women because of a bad experience are more likely to use absolutes while arguing, and therefor less likely to be able to maintain a healthy long-term relationship. An absolutist mentality is toxic for both you and your partner, so give it up if you want to be happy

Dear MGTOWs and Hardcore Feminists...

Not to leave out that telling your date all men are cheaters or all women are whores will be a major turn-off and probably prevent you from getting a second date

"Life experience: It's what you get when you didn't get what you wanted"

I stole this from a sticker I saw taped on the wall at a Jimmy John's. I love this because it's true. When you don't get hired at an interview, then you have more experience for interviewing, and it will hopefully make you more prepared to answer questions and less nervous the next time. When you go on a first date and don't get a text or call back, then you have more experience for going out on a first date, and hopefully you'll be more prepared for small talk and less nervous the next time. Most people have unpleasant dating experience and experiences that don't work out because most people don't find their soul-mate on the first try. When you break up with someone, that entire relationship was a lesson to you to make sure you don't repeat the same mistakes again. Go out on 100 dates if that's what it takes to find someone who gives you that "spark" and break up with that loser who plays Xbox all day so you can put your effort into finding someone better

Dear MGTOWs and Hardcore Feminists...

Bitterness is a huge problem I've seen on this website from both guys and girls, but moreso from guys. It seems that a lot of people are bitter from their past experiences. Let me tell you that it is perfectly acceptable to be bitter that someone stole your girlfriend, your car, your dog, and your favorite lampshade, but you can't find happiness in life if you dwell on it forever. Maybe you need to eat a whole bag of potato chips and a tub of ice cream or blow your next paycheck at a strip club, but whatever you do after a bad breakup, you need to drop it when you're done. Anger and bitterness will make your life more difficult and give you more depression, but it will do nothing to hurt the person you're angry about or improve your situation. Expressing your bitterness on the internet is not the correct answer and it will not make you feel better. So learn from your mistakes and bad relationships so you can move on rather than dwelling on the past forever

Dear MGTOWs and Hardcore Feminists...

Take responsibility instead of making excuses

For all of you out there who complain that no guy or girl is interested in you because you're ugly, you're wrong. I know plenty of ugly people who are happily married, so stop using that as an excuse. The reason why nobody is interested in you is because you are not relationship material or you're not putting yourself out there. If nobody is interested in you, then you need to make yourself interesting--go learn how to skydive or perfect the art of underwater basket weaving--seriously, people are interested in interesting people, so you have to be interesting if you want someone to be interested in you. Wearing nice clothing, improving your personal hygiene, and generally putting effort into your physical appearance is the number one, quickest, and easiest way to increase your attractiveness towards whoever it is you're trying to attract (losing weight is the best way for overweight people to improve their physical appearance, but yes I understand that is neither quick nor easy). Unapproachable body language is another reason a lot of people won't approach you, so putting effort into looking happy, approachable, single, and interested in meeting someone new will exponentially increase your chances of being approached

Dear MGTOWs and Hardcore Feminists...

Confidence is the most attractive trait when it comes to initiating contact with someone you're interested in. Accepting your flaws, taking control of your life, and quitting making excuses for your problems will make you attractive to people no matter how ugly, poor, short, or strange you are. My boyfriend was slightly disfigured in an explosion, but he is accepting of his physical appearance and confident enough to think a girl like me could be interested in him despite that, so I was. Victim mentalities are extremely unattractive while people who accept their flaws and work to improve what they can in life are extremely attractive

Dear MGTOWs and Hardcore Feminists...

Sitting on your computer and stalking someone's facebook page for 10 years while they go running around with any number of other people will never get you a date with them no matter how hard you cry. If you are single and have never asked anybody out, then you need to ask somebody out. Going straight from school/work to your house everyday and refusing to socialize with friends or go to parties will socially isolate you and prevent you from meeting new people. If you are single, but you don't engage in social interactions or know how to talk to someone in real life, then you are going to remain single because you will never meet anybody or be able to talk to them if they somehow find you in life. If you are unhappy with your life, then do something to improve it and change will come

Misogyny and Misandry are both wrong

This should go without saying, but I'm sure there will be plenty of this in the comments anyway. Misogyny and misandry are both wrong and will both prevent you from finding and maintaining a happy, healthy relationship. When two people enter into a relationship, they need to put the same amount of effort in as they will receive or the imbalance created will be problematic. Putting too much or too little effort into a relationship because you view your partner as superior or inferior to you is a serious problem. Furthermore, your negative views are bound to negatively affect your partner (and that is something you should care about if you want a relationship) in the things you say and they way you act.

Dear MGTOWs and Hardcore Feminists...

"Equal" and "fair" are not terms you should be using in a relationship. If you have diluted your relationship to equality and fairness, then you're too selfish. If you love someone (and yeah, if you're only dating, but are interested in finding someone to love) then you need to do things for your partner without expecting anything in return. Doing so will cause your partner to see your love and appreciate your affections, but if they don't return the favor or show their appreciation, then you can either have a talk with them about it or dump them. One of the biggest thing on this site I see is when guys claim it's only fair for them to pay for a date if women put out at the end of it--well you are not interested in a relationship for the right reasons, are better off paying for that escort you seem to admire so much, and a girl sleeping with a guy who bought her dinner is not prostitution. If you don't think a girl is worth $20 for a burger and a coke, then you obviously don't value her enough to take her out on a date; if the only thing you want from women is sex, then you only deserve STD-ridden prostitutes. Being in a relationship isn't only for sex or for financial security or for showing off a trophy to your friends and family. If you want to be in a relationship, you have to put your partner's needs above your own sometimes or they'll never put their needs above yours

Dear MGTOWs and Hardcore Feminists...

If you think someone is inferior to you, then you should not be dating that person because you will mistreat them. If you thing someone is inferior to you, then you should not be dating that person because you will be mistreated by them

Sometimes it is your fault

Dear MGTOWs and Hardcore Feminists...

One of the most difficult lessons to learn in life is how to accept your faults. Nobody wants to get in trouble; nobody wants to be yelled at; nobody wants you to go through a nasty breakup. Humans make mistakes and you are no exception, so you will make mistakes in relationships. When you make a mistake, you need accept your fault, apologize for it, and try your best to improve the situation or never let it happen again. Some people make mistakes that are not worth forgiving, so if you make a mistake that ends a relationship, you have to make sure you never do that to anybody else. Flirting with other guys may be forgivable, but hiding it from your boyfriend will make things worse because now you're lying--stop lying and ultimately stop flirting with other guys. Cheating on your wife and getting another woman pregnant may be unforgivable, so don't blame her when she divorces you

Something I've seen quite a bit are people who experience the same problem in multiple relationships, so this does become your fault at a certain point. Abuse and cheating are not your fault the first time, but it is your fault if you continue to let it happen or if it happens in several of your relationships--either you pick the wrong type of person or you instigate it. If you experience the same problems over and over again, then you should see a therapist to help you work out what you're doing wrong and how to prevent it from happening again. Selfishness and insecurity are the two biggest culprits of causing the same problems to happen multiple times to you

Dear MGTOWs and Hardcore Feminists...

You can fix your mentality

The good news is that you can fix your toxic mentality if you do want happiness in life and a healthy, fulfilling relationship. Obviously it would be best and easiest if you change on your own, but there are other ways if that's too difficult for you. Seeing a therapist or psychiatrist is a great way of helping you understand your problems in life, learning how to fix them, and also helping you to get over any bad experiences you have had. Reading self-help books might be your thing. Also going out into the world and listening to the experiences of others can help give you a new or better perspective on life, especially if you talk to someone who has had similar experiences and problems in life as you

Dear MGTOWs and Hardcore Feminists...

There is someone out there who could be perfect for you, and it's never too late for you to find that person. So if you want to be happy and find a good relationship, then you have to pick yourself back up, leave all of your baggage behind, improve yourself, and get yourself back out there

Dear MGTOWs and Hardcore Feminists...
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