Am I the only one who feels horror movies are sadistic and should be banned?

Ok, I'm not talking like thrillers, or scary movies that aren't really scary. I'm talking about the really sadistic, hardcore horror movies. Examples- saw, texas chain-saw massacre... I can't think of others at the moment. The kind where people puke in the cinema. I admittedly have never seen these movies. I don't want to and I can't understand why anyone would.

I can't understand the appeal in watching the immense suffering of other people, torture and the like. I just can't and never will. But the majority of the world like watching these sadistic movies and why is that? Do you think we all have a small sadistic side to us? I remember having an argument in maths class once with some emo- goth girl. She was talking some crap about how horror movies are the best when there's loads of blood and pain.She loves it. I said "Why? Do you enjoy watching others in pain?" and she told me something about how you can feel their pain and it feels so good. I'm like, what's wrong with you? The argument got so heated and she eventually realized I was right, and that essentially she's twisted. And she stormed out the class- meh, hormones. I mean isn't it twisted for people to ENJOY watching these things? I try to AVOID seeing those kind of things. What's more, think about the people who created these movies. What sick, twisted moron would make a movie like that? Please explain to me the appeal because I completely fail to see it.
Am I the only one who feels horror movies are sadistic and should be banned?
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