(20M) Is feeling nostalgic for a moment that just happened Normal?

So my cousin who I haven't seen in a whole year is visiting for a week. Last time I saw him I was in a transition period and was kinda feeling lost.

Today I'm feeling better than I ever felt. And tonight just solidified it. I was invited over to a friend's house for a bon fire. it was only for the guys. Me, my cousin, my friend, and his friend who I haven't met yet.

Took awhile for the fire to actually start burning but once it did, the conversations were just amazing and It honestly felt like we all knew each other for years. It was one of those feelings that I can't even describe.

We had s'mores and talked sports, horror movies, and just life experiences. It just felt like a round table of men just vibing. But here's the best part. I don't have a car (yet) and me and my cousin had to bike home.

I biked to my friends house and my cousin biked all the back home. And I was there running right beside him and it was one of those moments where I felt the most alive in the most funny way.

I just remember being a kid and just being outside at night with friends. And just doing what ever made our souls feel right. It's truly an amazing feeling. And I just felt nostalgic about that moment after it happened. And it made me think of all the times in childhood where I was just running or biking for no other reason to have simple fun!

I honestly wish I could experience life like that more often. Kinda like how people experience their young adults years without much technology consuming you.
(20M) Is feeling nostalgic for a moment that just happened Normal?
1 Opinion