5 Girls to Date

5 short descriptions... If you're a guy, which one of these 5 girls would you date? If you're a girl, tell me which one of these girls are you most like? If you're gay, do what you want. :P

Inspired by incorrect replies to another myTake... XD

Guys, which one of these 5 girls would you date?

Hana is very shy, sweet, softpoken, obedient, nurturing and humble. Can't stop a blush or tears, bit clumsy and way too unassertive.

Empathetic and naive, which often gets her into trouble. Can cheer up anyone, stays calm and optimistic. Hides her very high IQ and political incorrectness for fear of being envied and otracised.

Loves drawing and kids because of how open to they are to new things. Practically raising her half-siblings in place of their workacholic parents.

5 Girls to Date

Kate is competitive, energetic, selfless, kind and very glamurous off the sports field. Can get clingy, whiny and manipulative when she really wants something.

Her rich father tried to spoil her, but she kept giving away all her stuff to the needy, and then asking for more after running out of stuff. Still, she's a huge daddy's girl.

She's honestly passionate about charity work, is somewhat childlike if the mood strikes her. Loves clubbing and can dress up to make all the guys drool.

5 Girls to Date
Maria is careful, diligent, observant, deliberate and patient. Bit of a loner, intellectually snobby and a neat freak.

Very good at negotiating/diplomacy and organising. Picky about friends, very private, but infinetly open with people she chooses. Appears dignified and mature, but really enjoys sick/dark humor, April Fools' Day and snow sliding.

Prefers books to most people because they are quiet, they get to the point and they sharpen the mind. Preffers non-fiction.

5 Girls to Date

Wendy is funny, clever, popular and friendly. Mild ADD, irresponsible. Uses every trick in the book to up her grades, except studying.

Able to make anyone laugh. Can cook very well and eat abnormal quanitities of food. Had a hard childhood and inside is quite guarded and cinical, but chooses not to take life too seriously.

Loves video games, especially Assasin's Creed, Final Fantasy and Mass Effect. Dies her blonde hair pink, because why the fuck not.

5 Girls to Date

Claire is hardworking, ambitious, honest, perseverant and reliable. Also short tempered, pridefull and always takes on more than she can handle.

Few think she's a bitch, but most people respect her and seek her help, which she always gives. A good leader, teacher, always tries to be fair and protective of the weak. Secretly wishes someone would let her be weak for a change.

Loves listening to music and dancing. Especially in the shower, or during household chores. Too shy to do any of it in public.


-Male version coming soon, so guys can see who the girls would pick. :P

-Girls' age matches whatever suits the reader. That's why it's not stated.

-Pictures are of anime girls because I wanted you to have some vague concept of their looks in your mind, without actually giving you specific appearance to focus on, instead of reading the descriptions.

-Any otaku who recognises these characters is asked to disregard their knowledge for the purposes of this myTake.

Thank you. :)

5 Girls to Date
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